Poet Munawwar Rana has landed himself in controversy after he made inflammatory remarks on social media amid the ongoing farmer protests.

Bollywood's finest actor and filmmaker Sanjay Khan gave many successful films. Recently, Sanjay Khan celebrated his birthday on January 3.

Another case of grooming jihad has come to light in Bhopal wherein a Dalit woman has committed suicide after being cheated on in love jihad.

Emmanuel Bonne, the diplomatic advisor to French President Emmanuel Macron, was on a two-day visit to India for the India-France Strategic

A nasal Covid-19 vaccine could come into the market soon. Bharat Biotech, the Indian vaccine maker, is all set to start phase 1 and 2 trials

Popular Twitter user and Pakistani rights activist, Rahat Austin was attacked by an Islamist jihadi. He was stabbed with a knife.

Domestic violence and extramarital affairs are increasingly common in India. Though domestic violence or intimate partner violence

Just after winning the Bihar elections, the government has taken a massive decision to build 13 bridges over Bihar rivers. The government is

The coronavirus has affected everyone’s lives, no one has been spared by this deadly disease. Millions of people have lost their loved ones

Making vaccines isn't the easiest of jobs and requires a lot of input and scientific knowledge. So amid this situation of crisis, here is some