Renowned actor Irrfan Khan passed away at the age of 53 on Wednesday. His demise left Bollywood in shock. The actor was admitted to the hospital

Bollywood superstar Salman Khan’s brother-in-law Aayush Sharma has recently revealed about the name of his children, why did he name his children Muslim.

While people are avoiding crowded places amid the nationwide lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, hordes of Muslims had recently attended prayer

A Muslim lady from Jammu & Kashmir has reportedly donated a whopping Rs 5 lakh to fight the COVID-19 outbreak. As per reports, the lady got inspired by RSS

Recently, a terrifying terror attack took place at Gurdwara in Kabul on 25 March in which 25 Sikh worshippers were killed and at least 8 were wounded.

a TikTok young boy claims that if someone performs five prayers (Namaz) throughout the day, he or she will never be infected with the virus.

While countries from all over the world are urging their countrymen to greet people with ‘Namaste‘ instead of the normal handshake, a Muslim person in India

While the Government of India and the State Governments are making all necessary efforts to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus outbreak