Bihar police have sent a four-member team headed by IPS officer Vinay Tiwari. SP Vinay Tiwari has already reached Mumbai with his team to probe allegations

Sushant Singh Rajput’s unexpected death by suicide took the entire nation by shock. Though the reason behind his death is still unclear, the whole nation

Sushant Singh Rajput’s unexpected death by suicide took the entire nation by shock. Though the reason behind his death is still unclear, the whole nation

Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh is not in favour of transferring the case to CBI, rather actor's death will be investigated by the Mumbai Police.

Several actresses have been a victim of harassment in the Film Industry as well. Casting couch is something which is akin to Bollywood

a video of Mukund Mishra went viral on social media like wildfire. Mukund Mishra is a fictional character, which was written and played by Monologues actor

Sushant Singh Rajput’s passing away has left everyone in a state of shock across the country, including his sister Shweta Singh Kirti. Old videos and photos

there are so many unknown, dark secrets and facts about him that his fans are not aware of. Despite all the dark secrets, Amitabh is an iconic superstar

Sanjay Dutt's wife Manyata wanted to become a successful heroine. But she never got any big film offers. due to which, she worked in B and C grade films.