A unique case has emerged from Mankulam, a small town in Idukki District where five men allegedly killed a leopard and ate the meat of it.
Firecrackers have become a common thing nowadays; in fact, special events are now incomplete without bursting them. Everyone loves
A smart animal lover in Assam’s Sivasagar town received a lot of warmth and praise online after he created shelters for animals.
Today is historical day for animals, world’s most lonely elephant is freed from Pakistani atrocities
Kaavan, the world's loneliest elephant who faced cruelty for more than 30 years at a zoo in Pakistan has now finally reached Cambodia,
The turtle had been caught in a rubber band from an early age, causing her to grow abnormally. It has been learnt that the turtle has been bearing pain
TikTok has been an addictive app of late across the world. The short video application wildly famous with lip-syncing teenagers around the world has taken
In a recent incident which took everyone by surprise, a monkey got injured and was seen sitting outside a hospital with a hope that someone would help him
A young female elephant in Kollam district died of injuries in her mouth a month ago, news agency PTI reported. Earlier, a pregnant elephant
The reality is not hidden to anyone that the world, at the moment, is fighting against the coronavirus. The entire world is going towards a lockdown.