Amid outrage over Nankana Sahib Attack, a 25-year-old Sikh man, identified as Ravinder Singh, has allegedly been killed in Peshawar, Pakistan
Australia is facing an unprecedented national crisis ever since fires have intensified over the past week. Fires have been burning for months.
A ‘wicked’ pensioner has been jailed for four and a half years for raping his own daughter and fathering her three children
Bollywood is well-known film industry. Last year Indian cinema has witnessed a few movies where the audience in the theater applauded at the end.
Rajasthan board of secondary education stopped a Pakistani Hindu refugee girl from appearing for her 12th standard board examination
A holy shrine Nankana Sahib Gurudwara has come under threat after hundreds of angry Muslim pelted stones Gurdwara Nankana Sahib on Friday.
A Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorist has been apprehended from a hospital in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, today, the police said.
In Pakistan, a 1000-year-old Hindu temple is being used as a toilet. When Hindu temples are not safe in Pakistan, how can Hindus be safe in Pakistan?
Bhuj Airport is a domestic airport located in Bhuj in Kutch District of the state of Gujarat, India. It is located 4 km from Bhuj