In a recent incident, a 32-year-old man in West Bengal’s Howrah was allegedly beaten up by the police during the nationwide lockdown for breaking lockdown

a video went viral on social media like wildfire in which an educated girl is seen fighting with healthcare workers when they stopped her for corona test.

a photo of a shopkeeper from Kerala went viral on social media like wildfire. In the photo, the shopkeeper is seen selling groceries in an innovative way.

Legendary Bollywood star, Amitabh Bachchan, took to Twitter handle to share new information about Coronavirus. He shared a video post.

In a sensational development, the Odisha government has announced an immediate plan to make the largest COVID-19 hospital in India.

The reality is not hidden to anyone that the world, at the moment, is fighting against the coronavirus. The entire world is going towards a lockdown.

While India is making all necessary efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Samajwadi leader Ramakant Yadav blamed BJP for diverting people’s attention