Woman dies after drinking cow milk, as the milk carries Rabies virus

Recently, a shocking incident has come to light in which a woman died after drinking cow’s milk. Investigation revealed that the rabies virus was present in cow milk. As soon as this case came to light, fear increased among the people. Usually, the rabies virus is believed to spread through the bite of dogs, cats, or other infected animals, but this incident has raised many new questions.

According to sources, the case is from a village in Greater Noida, where a woman got rabies after drinking cow milk and died. A few days ago, the woman had drunk the milk of a cow. The cow had rabies disease. The woman’s entire family was engaged in animal husbandry. During this time, one of the cows was bitten by a dog. The woman and her family members did not know the cow had been infected with rabies.

After the symptoms were seen in the cow, it was vaccinated. The woman was also vaccinated but the injection did not work and the woman died. At least ten people in the village got post-exposure rabies vaccines. However, the woman did not get the rabies injection for some reason. In the days that followed, she showed severe symptoms consistent with rabies. Which also included a fear of water.

Everyone is surprised, even the doctors, that rabies is caused by dog ​​bites, then how can rabies be caused by drinking cow’s milk? While most people believe that rabies disease is transferred from one animal to another, The symptoms of rabies can range from flu-like to severe neurological problems. Which can include anxiety, restlessness, confusion, and even paralysis. In some cases, hydrophobia (fear of water) is a major symptom.

Rabies is a disease that spreads through a virus called rabies. Especially it is a disease of animals. If an animal has this disease and has bitten a human, then this disease will spread to him as well. Rabies disease spreads due to the bite of dogs, cats, and monkeys. This virus enters the human blood through saliva.

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at swetadagar007@gmail.com.