Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk were shocked to see Sharia courts functioning in the UK. Elon Musk retweeted Ayaan Hirsi Ali and asked a question on Sharia Court; this tweet is going viral. Most of the people responded to the question asked in this tweet.
Recently, Ayaan Hirsi Ali demanded to end the Sharia law courts of Britain. Elon Musk retweeted this tweet of Ayaan Hirsi and asked the public, How many Sharia Law courts are there in the UK? This tweet of Elon Musk has gone viral, on which more than 8 thousand people commented and responded.
According to the viral post, many UK-based journalists and researchers released their reports. According to their reports, there are about 85 Sharia courts in the UK, many of which are not registered as legal entities. As reported by journalist Andy Ngo, a 2018 government review estimated there were about 30 to 85 of them in England and Wales.
I’ve done reporting on this subject. There are no official UK records tracking sharia law councils since they are not required to register as a legal entity. A 2018 government review estimated there were about 30 to 85 of them in England and Wales.
Who is Ayaan Hirsi Ali?
Somali-born writer and human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an outspoken personality. She is praised by many secularists for her fearless condemnation of Islamic fundamentalism. She is a critic of Islam and advocates for the rights and self-determination of Muslim women. Recently, she called for the abolition of Britain’s sharia law courts.
Elon Musk’s vitriolic tweet caught the attention of people not just in the UK but around the world. While many people agreed with Musk’s question, some people called it a controversial statement. After Elon Musk’s tweet, different reactions emerged on social media.
A user wrote, How many Jewish courts are there in the UK? “Are you for banning these too, Elon?
Another user wrote I didn’t even know they had Sharia Law courts.