Recently, a tragic accident happened in Bihar due to negligence. Three teenage boys died after being hit by a train. They were sitting on the railway track and playing PUBG. This accident happened because there was no sound of the train coming; the age group of all three was between 14 and 16 years.
This case is from Bettiah in Bihar; all three teenagers were busy playing mobile games without any awareness. During this time, they got hit by a train going from Bettiah to Sugauli. The accident was so terrible that all three died on the spot. After the incident, people from the vicinity rushed to the spot. A crowd of people gathered there.
According to sources, as soon as the information was received, the police reached the spot and started an investigation. Sadar SDPO 1 Vivek Deep also inspected the spot and took information from the officials. The deceased have been identified as Sameer Alam, resident of Bari Tola, Furkan Alam, resident of Mansha Tola, and Sadab, resident of Koda Beldari.
When the family members got the news of this accident, they became blank and started crying. There was chaos in the family after seeing the dead body. In this hour of grief, the family refused to conduct the postmortem. This incident is once again a dangerous example of mobile game addiction and carelessness. Railway tracks are not a safe place for any kind of activity. Going on the track is not only illegal, but it can also be fatal. The administration has appealed to the general public to be cautious to avoid such incidents.
Nowadays, the young generation has become so addicted to mobile games that they are not aware of the things around them. This incident is also a warning for all those parents who do not pay attention to these activities of their children. Children and youth need to learn a lesson from this case. Parents should also make children aware of such dangers. Playing games while sitting on the railway track can be fatal. This incident is very sad and there is an atmosphere of mourning in the entire area.