Recently, a podcast clip of a Pakistani woman went viral on social media. In the video, the Pakistani woman revealed, that ‘Halala centers’ have been created in Pakistan, especially for the Halala process. This revelation has shocked everyone on social media.
What is Halala’s practice?
Halala is an Islamic practice in which if a divorced woman wants to remarry her first husband, she has to marry another man and get divorced after having a relationship with him. This process is considered legal in Islamic Sharia, but in today’s time, it has been made a means of business and exploitation.
In the video, the woman claims, that “Halala centers” have been created in Pakistan, especially for the Halala process. You can also search online; many options will appear just by typing Halala Center. Also, ads run through all these Halala centers, through which they target customers.
According to sources, exposure to halala centers indicates that some people are using this religious practice to exploit women physically and mentally. These centers allegedly provide women “on rent” to men who work to marry and divorce for the halala process.
This practice is not only a violation of women’s rights but also an insult to the real teachings of Islam. Turning halala into a commercial practice instead of religious duty is shameful for both society and religion. Strict laws should be made against halala centers.
After watching the viral video, users shared many types of reactions. The revelation sparked outrage, with many calling for stricter regulations. Some criticized the commercialization of religious practices, while others debated the moral and ethical degradation such centers represent.
A user writes, that Pakistan itself has gone through halala First Britain, then America, then China, and now back to America.
Another user writes, All experiments took place in the laboratory, which is why Pakistan is in Jinnah’s footsteps and working as a dream of Jinnah. Many other such funny comments were also seen.