How to make your kitchen dishes brand new? Desi Jugad to perfectly clean utensils

Maintaining cleanliness is one of the most essential daily habits, especially in the kitchen where utensils tend to accumulate dirt quickly. Copper utensils have been used in our Indian culture and traditions for centuries. Copper utensils often lose their shine, but recently a video revealed a simple home remedy that can restore the shine of old utensils.

To make this remedy to make old copper utensils shine, only 2 things will be needed, vinegar and white salt. In a small bowl, take a teaspoon of white salt and about 1 cup of vinegar, and mix both well until the salt dissolves well. The remedy is ready.

Now clean the copper utensil with this remedy with the help of a cotton and the utensil will shine within just 10 seconds. This remedy is as easy to make as it is quick, its result works in just seconds. With this viral remedy, you can give a new shine to all the utensils in your kitchen. This remedy was shared by the Facebook page Spicy India, the video shows the process of making this remedy and its result. In the video, it was tried on a copper bottle and within seconds, the bottle regained its new shine.

Often copper utensils fade quickly and this remedy is important for everyone to know about. Copper utensils have been used in our Indian culture and traditions for centuries. Copper was the first metal that people used. There are many benefits of using copper utensils, drinking water in a copper bottle keeps the digestive system healthy and prevents diseases like infection.

Many such home remedies are still used today, these remedies have been in use since the time of our grandparents which do a kind of magic. To make old utensils shine like new, do try this remedy once. The easiest and the simplest, no special expensive item is included, it can be made easily with just 2 components.

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at [email protected].