Apple Co-Founder drops a negative comment on Indians, Anand Mahindra gives a Befitting Reply

Apple is the biggest ever tech industry in terms of market value and is one of the most loved brands across the world. Founded by Steve Jobs, the giant tech firm has a wide range of successful entrepreneurs who come from humble backgrounds.

While many studied hard day and night for years to get a top college seat and to come through with flying colours, there are others who also did the same without even graduating college. Yes, for some people, a college degree is not that important but expanding possibilities is more important and that’s what Tim Cook believes.

Apple Co-Founder drops a negative comment on Indians, Anand Mahindra gives a Befitting Reply

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak took a jibe at the Indian education system and added that Indians lack creativity. Creativity is the ability to bring something new into existence and Apple co-founder believes Indians are not creative enough.

He highlighted the bitter fact that Indians just need well-paid jobs and nothing else in life. In addition, he said that Indians lack the creativity factor in them. He also does not believe there can ever be big tech companies in India like tech giants Google, Facebook or Apple.

When Anand Mahindra gave a befitting reply to Apple Co-Founder

Anand Mahindra, chairman of the Mahindra group is an inspiration to millions of youngsters and at the same time, he is loved for his sense of humour and wittiness. He has a huge fan-following on social media, especially on Twitter.

The chairman of Mahindra group who is known for the knack of his entrepreneurship skills is active on the social media platform more often than not. He always comes up with interesting, inspiring and entertaining posts.

At the same time, Anand Mahindra also knows how to shut down haters by giving epic replies. The chairman of Mahindra Group gave an epic reply to the co-founder of Apple.

“I love it when such comments are made. Nothing like a sweeping stereotype to get our juices flowing & prove it wrong. Thanks @stevewoz Come back soon. We’ll make you sing a different tune.”