While fighting Cancer, Maulik Patel scores 715 marks in NEET exams

While fighting Cancer, Maulik Patel scores 715 marks in NEET exams
While fighting Cancer, Maulik Patel scores 715 marks in NEET exams

Every difficulty can be faced with courage and hard work and this has been proved by student Maulik Patel who is suffering from a major disease like cancer. Maulik not only fought a serious disease like cancer but also performed brilliantly in the NEET exam and scored 715 marks.

According to online sources, Maulik was in class 11th when he was diagnosed with cancer. Suddenly Maulik felt pain when urinating, which led to a sonography, which showed a tumor, a subsequent biopsy confirmed the diagnosis. Battling all these troubles, he continued his studies. In 12th he scored 94.67 percent marks and in NEET UG he scored 715 out of 720 marks.

Maulik said during an interview that he had surgery in June 2022, he knew that he had cancer but he did not anticipate that getting its treatment would be full of so many difficulties. Maulik had chemotherapy every day which took about four hours, and he also had to face many side effects of it. He always had to struggle with constipation and he also lost his hair due to chemotherapy.

Maulik had said that the doctors had changed the dose of his chemotherapy, he also gave tests related to medical examination in October and November, but after this, his tumor grew to 16 centimeters in January, after which the doctors planned to do his surgery immediately, and at that time due to surgery he was unable to give his practical exam and that year i.e. in 2023, he could not give his 12th board and NEET exam.

Despite battling a serious disease like cancer, Maulik excelled in his studies. His remarkable achievement serves as a source of inspiration for him and everyone else facing life’s challenges.

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at swetadagar007@gmail.com.
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