Man orders ice cream, found a human finger inside

Generally, most people enjoy ice cream during the summer season. In this season, the crowd increases in the markets and ice cream parlors, where people of all ages enjoy ice cream. But recently an incident has created fear in people even by the name of ice cream, ice cream lovers are now forced to think many times before eating ice cream.

This incident is from Mumbai where Doctor Orlem Brandon Serrao ordered ice cream online on Wednesday, and he got an extra “topping” that he did not expect – a human finger. Dr Serrao said, “I ordered three cone ice creams from an app. One of them was butterscotch ice cream from the Yummo brand. After eating half of it, I felt a solid piece in my mouth. I thought it could be a nut or a piece of chocolate and I spat it out to check what it was.

But when I carefully examined the “solid piece”, I was shocked. It was a human finger. He said, “I am a doctor, so I know what body parts look like. When I examined it carefully, I saw nail and fingerprints underneath it. It looked like a thumb,” he said.

Dr Serrao immediately put the object in an ice pack so that he could show it to the police and lodge a complaint with the Malad police. A case has now been filed against Yummo for food adulteration and endangering human life. The police have sent the ice cream for examination and the finger for forensic examination.

Yummo Ice Creams company responded with a statement saying, “We have stopped manufacturing at this third-party facility, isolated the said product at the facility and in our warehouses, and are in the process of doing the same at the market level. Product quality and safety being our top priority, we were in the process of addressing the situation. In the meantime, the matter escalated, and an official police complaint was filed by the customer.” Yummo Ice Creams has pledged full cooperation with the authorities in the ongoing investigation.

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at