Love Jihad victim calls her father says “Mujhe Bacha Lo Papa”

 Love Jihad victim calls her father says "Mujhe Bacha Lo Papa"
 Love Jihad victim calls her father says "Mujhe Bacha Lo Papa"

A recent case of love jihad has come to light from Badaun, UP. Mohammad Sameer befriended a Hindu girl, who later eloped with him taking all the cash and jewelry from her home. Now the girl called her father, requesting to save her from Sameer. An audio clip of the conversation between father and daughter has gone viral after listening, which has shaken everyone.

In the viral audio clip, the victim of love jihad requested help from her father. “Papa, save me” she cries. Her father, filled with concern, asks her to return home and inquires about her location. Overcome with emotion, the daughter responds, “I have been defamed a lot in society, people will defame me. But the father still does not care about society he takes a stand for her and consoles her. “I will not be affected by society, no matter what has happened, I will take care of everything.” He said to her.

A report alleges that Sameer has threatened to slit her brother’s throat. The police are investigating the case, and Bajrang Dal activists are demanding strict action against Sameer. It is crucial to enforce strict actions to prevent their recurrence in society. However, cases of love jihad continue to rise steadily.

The viral audio clip has been shared on Twitter by Treeni. The conversation between the father and daughter has shaken the people’s hearts. Users have shared various types of reactions.

A user wrote, ‘No sympathy for the daughter if she knowingly left the house not thinking about her father then and now crying shame on her.’

Another user writes, ‘No feelings left for these Hindu girls, nowadays they don’t want to learn from so many examples, why they are so obsessed with this Chaparigiri love trap, they never thought to betray their father’s family, in which they start robbing all the money from home and later start crying when they face the same fate.

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at
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