What is Khan Market Gang which PM Modi recently mentioned in his speech?

What is Khan Market Gang which PM Modi recently mentioned in his speech?
What is Khan Market Gang which PM Modi recently mentioned in his speech?

Prime Minister Modi frequently references the “Khan Market gang” in his rallies, But why does he mention this gang? what was the reason behind this Khan market gang? What is the connection between this gang and the Gandhi family? Senior journalist Ashok Srivastava, a well-known face of DD News, has explained the Khan Market Gang in simple terms.

According to senior journalist Ashok Srivastava, ‘The terminology Khan Market Gang was first used by Arun Jaitley only as a joke. But in India, there is an elite class of politicians who do not eat food in the Parliament canteen because perhaps they think that the Parliament canteen is not that posh. All these politicians who were from rich families used to go to Khan Market to eat food.

Khan Market, which is one of the most expensive markets in Delhi, has many expensive restaurants. From here Arun Jaitley started calling them Khan Market Gang. “That this is the Khan Market gang because they do not go to the Parliament canteen but eat in the expensive restaurants of Khan Market. Prime Minister Modi has recently mentioned the Khan Market gang in his recent rallies.

Established in 1951, Khan Market bears the name of Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan, a notable freedom fighter and political figure. Initially conceived to serve the requirements of partition refugees, this market has transformed over time into a bustling hub for shopping and dining in Delhi.

Arun Jaitley was a famous lawyer and politician in India, who held significant roles in the Bharatiya Janata Party, notably serving as Finance Minister. He was known for his eloquent speaker and his political and professional life was largely non-controversial. He briefly resigned as Defense Minister in 2014 but returned to the post in 2017, due to his deteriorating health he refused a position in Modi’s second government after BJP’s victory in 2019. He sadly passed away in August of that year.

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at swetadagar007@gmail.com.
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