A 22-year-old boy becomes a millionaire; know Zaid Khan’s story full of struggle

A 22-year-old boy becomes a millionaire; know Zaid Khan's story full of struggle
A 22-year-old boy becomes a millionaire; know Zaid Khan's story full of struggle

Often, we see that a 20 to 22-year-old boy either completes his studies or takes up small jobs. But have you ever seen a 22-year-old boy earning Rs 5 to 6 lakh per month? Today, we present the inspiring story of Zaid Khan. This story will definitely impact your life. But you know, it is not easy for any person to reach the position where Zaid is today and is touching these heights in his life. A person has to move forward with struggle and hard work. Zaid’s journey mirrors this reality.

Zaid emphasizes the importance of leaving one’s comfort zone to pursue financial success and personal growth. Only after this can you earn money and move ahead in your life. Apart from this, the desires of many people remain limited because they do not leave their comfort zone and remain earning 30 to 35 thousand per month. Zaid says to all such people that they should go out of their comfort zone and move forward. Surely this will definitely give you success one day, and you can do something big in your life. Therefore, Zaid suggests that you should develop some skills and start working on them.

This 22-year-old boy from Dehradun became a millionaire

Zaid Khan is originally from a small village in Dehradun. His childhood was filled with a lot of struggle. Zaid’s parents wanted him to do medicine and become a doctor. But Zaid had something else in mind. Since childhood, Zaid has felt that money is needed for everything. He started to understand the value of money very well. After this, Zaid made it the aim of his life that he did not want to do medicine but just wanted to earn a lot of money. But for this, he did not have to do medical; it was challenging for Zaid to share this with his parents. Now Zaid had only one aim: to earn money, and for that, he had to learn skills. After finishing his schooling, Zaid realized the potential to achieve success by utilizing the internet effectively.

A 22-year-old boy becomes a millionaire; know Zaid Khan’s story full of struggle

Zaid made the camera his friend

Following this, Zaid starts preparing for his NEET because, since childhood, his parents have set it in his mind that he has to become a doctor when he grows up. But 20 days before the NEET exam, Zaid’s life changes. This is a point where Zaid’s parents feel that he can do very well in his life if he puts his mind to it. Zaid begins his journey into filmmaking by picking up a camera and diving into the craft. Zaid believes that if you know filmmaking, you can earn lakhs in a month. But Zaid had to struggle a lot with filmmaking. At that time, he had no one who could teach him filmmaking. That’s why he learned from YouTube. After this, he used to do free projects to further develop his skills. Apart from this, Zaid started learning the camera on his own and started participating in small projects. After this, Zaid made the camera his friend and started working.

I got a big opportunity at the Career Academy

Zaid had learned filmmaking very well. After this, he started getting many great opportunities. After this, he got a chance to shoot at a career academy in Mumbai. This was Zaid’s best experience. In this work, he got a chance to shoot an educational video series about that academy. Zaid got the full amount of Rs 1 lakh 24 thousand for this work. This income meant a lot to Zaid. This was his first income. After this, Zaid kept doing more projects and kept learning new things. After this, Zaid started working on some of his other skills. After learning these skills, Zaid got two big clients from the US.

Earned lakhs of rupees from video editing

Now Zaid has developed his skills even more and has learned video editing. Following this, he used to send direct messages to clients for many projects, but he did not get any replies. Still, he used to DM almost 100 clients. Then he used to get projects. Now that the lockdown had come, everyone was sitting at home, and Zaid tried his best to earn money. At this time, Zaid was earning Rs 1 lakh every month. After this, Vinayak Mehtani came into Zaid’s life. He has brought about a big change in Zaid’s life. Zaid meets Vinayak Mehtani for 10 minutes and talks about the shoot for his Dubai company. But at that time, there was no response from Vinayak Mehtani, and Zaid returned disappointed. After some time, Zaid got a call in which he got the work of Vinayak Mehtani’s company, and he was asked to come to Dubai. Only after this did Zaid’s life change. After this, Zaid’s life changed. He got a chance to do whatever he wanted. Nowadays, Zaid easily earns Rs 5 to 6 lakh every month. If you want to hear this story from Zaid himself, then click on the link given below.

Watch Talk:  22 की उम्र में मैं लाखों का बिज़नेस ऐसे बनाया

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Disclaimer: The above article is an upshot of collaboration between The Youth and Josh Talks. TheYouth therefore doesn’t vouch for the Information or facts given above

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