Seema Haider brings special facial cream from Pakistan, she reveals her beauty secret

Seema Hyder brings special facial cream from Pakistan, she reveals her beauty secret
Seema Hyder brings special facial cream from Pakistan, she reveals her beauty secret

Seema Haider, who migrated from Pakistan with her four children, captivated conversations for several months. In addition to her compelling story, admiration for her beauty echoed widely, leaving many intrigued to uncover the secrets behind her radiant appearance. A recent video surfaced on social media where Seema Haider disclosed the key to her beauty.

TV9 shared the viral video on YouTube. In the video, Seema Haider says that she brought a facial kit from Pakistan and she uses the same facial. She says, ‘I brought this facial from Pakistan so that Sachin and I would do it together.’ Seema explains that the facial is widely popular among women in Pakistan, and that’s why she brought it with her from there.

Until now, it was widely known that Seema had migrated from Pakistan with her four children. However, this video reveals an additional detail – she also brought along a facial kit. It is suggested that the Pakistani facial kit might be the secret behind her beauty.

Seema and Sachin’s love story started with PUBG, both of them used to play together and their love started from there and in this love, she came to India from Pakistan with her four children. Seema crossed the Indian border via Nepal and reached Greater Noida, where Sachin lived. The viral video has been viewed by millions of people and all the users flooded the comments sharing their reactions. There were various reactions from all the users, some of which were quite funny.

One user writes, ‘Seema says that if there was no food, then how could she get money for face oil.’

Another user writes, ‘She had also brought money by selling Haider’s house. ,

Another user writes, ‘Make sure you don’t bring a bomb.’

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at
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