Journalist sent to Jail under SC/ST act after reporting a Hotel being demolished without prior notice

Journalist sent to Jail under SC/ST act after reporting a Hotel being demolished without prior notice
Journalist sent to Jail under SC/ST act after reporting a Hotel being demolished without prior notice

A shocking case has come to light from Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, where a journalist was sent to jail under the SC/ST Act. He was reporting against the demolition of a Brahmin hotel by the administration without issuing any notice. The administration has misused the SC/ST Act. Many posts have been shared on social media giving information about the incident, seeing which the public is also sharing their reactions against the administration.

Vinay Raghuvanshi had done his work only by facing the truth. He showed through reporting how the hotel of a Brahmin entrepreneur was destroyed without any prior notice. This issue exposes the fault of the local administration and demands that the people have the right to face the truth.

After the hotel devastation, when Vinay Raghuvanshi reported the incident, the local administration charged him under the SC-ST Act. This move is a matter of concern for independent media and an attempt to intimidate those attempting to hide the truth.

The SC-ST Act is specifically used to protect the Scheduled Castes and Tribes, but using it wrongly is against justice. In this case, charging Vinay Raghuvanshi and his friend under the SC-ST Act for reporting the destruction of an entrepreneur’s hotel violates constitutional rights.

Shubham Sharma has given information about this matter through a post on Twitter. After seeing the post, users flooded the comment section with comments. Users expressed their views and shared various reactions.

One user writes, ‘The real problem is caste. As long as caste remains in society, things will not change. To bridge the caste gap, make priests from all castes.

Another user writes, ‘SC ST act has become a law for extortion used by governments as well as ambedkarities to silent opposition and extort money from them else go to jail.’

Another user writes, ‘Another example of this useless act. How politicians dare to ask votes despite such acts.’

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at
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