Became a mother at the age of 19, knowing the heartbreaking story of Pooja Khandelwal.

Pooja Khandelwal
heartbreaking story of Pooja Khandelwal.

There is a phase of trouble in everyone’s life. Due to this, we often lose courage. But we should never do this. That is why today we have brought you a story that can change your life. After knowing this story, you will definitely feel that we should do something in life and move forward, no matter how many problems we have to face.

That is why today in this article we have brought the motivational story of Pooja Khandelwal. You can also listen to this story on Josh Talks. Surely, after listening to this story, there will be a good change in your personal life as well. So let’s get started.

heartbreaking story of Pooja Khandelwal.

Pooja is a resident of Delhi. She was born into the family of a businessman in Chawri Bazaar, Old Delhi. She had a good upbringing since childhood and went to study at a boarding school. Till then, Pooja’s life was going quite well. But as soon as Pooja came to Delhi after passing the 12th, she felt that her life had changed. After some time, he got a call from his aunt saying, “Many congratulations to you; your marriage has gone well.” Pooja felt as if the ground had slipped beneath her feet.

Parents fixed the marriage without asking

After coming back from the hostel, Pooja comes to know that her marriage has been fixed. Then Pooja asked her father, Why did you fix my marriage without asking me? Wasn’t it necessary to ask me? On this, his father said that I am in a lot of debt and that I do not have enough money to get you married. Whereas the boys are rich, apart from this, they did not demand anything. That’s why I’m getting you married there. After this, after a few days, Pooja gets married and goes to her in-laws’ house.

I got a different shock after visiting my in-laws.

After marriage, the struggle in Pooja’s life started. When she went to her in-laws’ house after getting married, she got a big shock. Everything was very good in his in-laws’ house, but he came to know that they were more in debt than his father. But the pretense had still not diminished. Apart from this, Pooja is also treated very unfairly. Not only this, he got married at the age of 18, and she was not used to seeing these things. After going to her in-laws’ house, her in-laws started getting work done for her. Pooja did not know how to cook, so she used to get taunted a lot about these things. Not only this, but he also had many problems. After a few days, Pooja’s health started getting very bad. Meanwhile, after going to the doctor, she learned that she was pregnant. After this, the torture by the in-laws increased a lot. They were told that you should sweep and mop the entire house and do a lot of work; this will ensure your normal delivery. After this, Pooja’s problems increased a lot, and her husband also stayed in Indore for his work, due to which she did not get the support of her husband.

After some time, when the doctor gave Pooja the date of delivery, her in-laws crossed all limits. Everyone together started giving Pooja half a can of oil. And only because the child will go downward. Due to this, a lot of fat got accumulated in Pooja’s body, and she was becoming fat. After this came the day of delivery. This day was not at all easy for Pooja. There was no one with Pooja in the hospital at that time, and she was fighting for life and death in the hospital alone. Apart from this, there was not even a sheet on his body, and it was cold at that time. But Pooja’s in-laws were not at all concerned about these things. They were all preparing for Pooja’s brother-in-law’s wedding. After this, the doctor came, and through an operation, the child was delivered. The world after this was quite different for Pooja. They started wondering what the hell happened to me. I got married at the age of 18 and had a child at the age of 19. Now my entire life will be spent on these things.

After this, she remained in the hospital for a few days. Then, a week later, she went to her in-laws’ house with her child. After this, Pooja stayed at her in-laws’ house for a month. Then she was sent to Indore to join her husband. After going to Indore, Pooja wondered what was happening to her. There was only one mattress and nothing else in the Indore house. Even there, her husband’s condition was not that good. But he thought that if he had such a life, he would only remain like this. After this, Pooja often wondered what she was doing. I have studied at such a good school and am living such a life. When my child grows up, will he write on his form that my mother is 12 years old? After this, a few days pass, and she goes out to get the birth certificate made. After this, when Pooja tells the birth date of herself and her child to the person sitting in front, the man asks Pooja, Beta, you are still very young. What do you do now? On this, Pooja said that I do not do anything; I stay at home and take care of my child. Then Pooja told her the name of her school and said that I had been the topper of my school. Hearing this, the man was left stunned and could not believe that the girl, who was a topper at Syria School, was still in this condition.

After this, the person told Pooja that she should study further. Then she said that my husband does not like my studies, nor do I have that much money. Then the person explained to Pooja that education in itself is a great strength, and she should never leave it. I see something in you that says that if you study, you will go far. Then Pooja said that I don’t even have money to increase the fees. Then he said that I would pay your fees, and since I am also a professor, I would make your attendance. Just study and pass the exam. After this, Pooja wondered why an unknown person was doing this for her. After this, on his request, Pooja filled out the form, and the admission was done.

The real challenge of Pooja’s life begins here.

After getting admission to college, the real challenge begins in Pooja’s life. If Pooja buys books, her husband will come to know. That’s why he had to find a different excuse. For this, Pooja tells her husband that she has a part-time job in the library. Apart from this, my health was deteriorating while staying at home, and in fact, there were hormonal problems with him. After this, Pooja’s husband gave her permission to go to the library. Pooja started studying in the library at the same time. After this, Pooja’s graduation also went well.

LLB fees were the lowest; that’s why I took admission.

After graduation, Pooja’s professor asked her to do a professional course. But the fee was the highest among all the courses. Pooja wanted to do an MBA, but the fees were very high, which she could not afford. That’s why Pooja thought of doing LLB because the fees for LLB were the lowest at that time.

After this, Pooja started doing LLB. But by the time the fifth semester came, Pooja’s husband came to know from someone else that she was studying. After this, Pooja’s husband did not allow her to give exams for 5 semesters. After all this, Pooja again gave the exams for semesters 5 and 6 together. After this, Pooja got her LLB degree. When Pooja’s husband came to know about this, he raised his hand on Pooja and, at the same time, hit her with a knife lying in the kitchen. After this, the entire floor became drenched in blood. Seeing this, Pooja’s husband also got scared, and he took her to the hospital. After this, Pooja felt that she could not live here anymore. Pooja had lost complete trust in her husband.

Pooja came to her father’s house with her child. It was a day when Pooja asked her father for Rs 500. To this, his father replied, You are living here and eating food. Apart from this, you have come of your own free will. So don’t expect any money at all. Look at yourself and your child. Don’t expect anything from me. After this, Pooja decided that she would die but would not ask for money from her father.

Started my career with an internship

Now Pooja had decided that she had to do an internship and advance her career. For this, he did an internship but did not get any money from there. In return, a lot of work was done. After some time, Pooja started having many medical issues. His health worsened, and an infection occurred in his body. After this, Pooja will be treated in a hospital in Delhi, and there she will get very good guidance from the doctor. After this, Pooja had about one and a half years’ time. Pooja used this time very well and read many law books. Apart from this, he did a lot of studying to recover himself so that he could treat himself. After this, Pooja learned many things and started doing therapy for herself. Then gradually, Pooja started getting better.

The good days of puja have started. One day, there was a big change in Pooja’s life. One day, Pooja gets a call from the same professor who got her admitted. After this, Sir also came to Pooja’s house and asked her to start practicing on her own. After this, the professor was selected for the Bar Council of the Supreme Court. After this, Pooja also started working with him. After this, Pooja progressed a lot, and today she is a successful lawyer. It is said that problems always arise in a person’s life. But you will never have to accept defeat from this. We must fight this and move forward. If you want to hear this story from Pooja herself, then go to Josh Talks and listen to it.

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Disclaimer: The above article is an upshot of collaboration between The Youth and Josh Talks. TheYouth therefore doesn’t vouch for the Information or facts given above

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