Meet the Kar Sevaks who sacrificed their lives for Ram Mandir, we must remember them

Meet the Kar Sevaks who sacrificed their lives for Ram Mandir, we must remember them
Meet the Kar Sevaks who sacrificed their lives for Ram Mandir, we must remember them

Ram temple has immense importance in Indian prosperity and cultural heritage. Many people have sacrificed their lives for its construction. In this article, we will share the stories of those warriors who have shown the courage to sacrifice their souls for the Ram Temple. The families of the Ayodhya-based kar sevaks killed in the firing on October 30, 1990, are now feeling a sense of fulfillment seeing the culmination of the cause that they sacrificed.

The entire nation is eagerly waiting for 22nd January and there is a festive atmosphere throughout the country for this day. But for some people, along with happiness, there is also a feeling of pain along with pride. On the morning of 30 October 1990, the families of Vasudev Gupta, Rajendra Dharkar, and Ramesh Pandey were unaware that the next day of their lives would not be the same. All three were killed in police firing on the orders of the then Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Mulayam Singh Yadav.

Since then, significant changes have taken place in Ayodhya. The families of martyred Kar Sevaks still bear the grief of losing their loved ones. Nevertheless, they are consoled by the realization that the sacrifices of their loved ones were not in vain. They take solace in the long-cherished dream for which their loved ones sacrificed their lives is finally being fulfilled.

Gayatri Pandey, widow of kar sevak Ramesh Pandey, says, ‘There is some sadness, some happiness. “My husband told me, ‘I am going for Lord Ram’s work. I will return once the work is completed. But the police shot him during kar seva. When he did not return for several days, we started searching for him. We found his body only after 3-4 days. My husband is no more. Now, when the temple construction is in the final stages and soon Ramlala will be consecrated there, I am satisfied that my husband’s sacrifice did not go in vain. May his soul find eternal peace.

Ravindra Prasad, brother of Karsevak Rajendra Prasad, says, “I still remember the day of October 30, 1990, when my brother was murdered. The police released tear gas on the kar sevaks and then opened fire. He had gone to participate in Kar Seva and was murdered there. But I am really happy that finally, Ram temple is being built for which many people including my brother gave their lives. The sacrifice made by my brother has now paid off.

Vasu Gupta’s son Sandeep Gupta says, ‘Mulayam Singh Yadav, the then Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, had imposed curfew. My father was leading a group of kar sevaks when the police opened fire on the group, resulting in his tragic death. All our problems seem insignificant in front of the fact that this temple is finally being built and will be inaugurated soon. My father gave his life for this temple, and we are seeing this day thanks to Modi-Yogi.

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at
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