What is Moye-Moye song? Who sung this? In which language? Everything about Moye Moye

What is Moye-Moye song? Who sung this? In which language? Everything about Moye Moye
What is Moye-Moye song? Who sung this? In which language? Everything about Moye Moye

Nowadays everything is ‘moye-moye’ on social media. This song is gaining immense popularity across social media platforms and has become a staple in countless memes, contributing to its ongoing trend today. After all, is this Moye-Moye which is being discussed everywhere at the moment? This song’s sensation on the internet is not hidden from anyone. Not only on the Instagram reels but also on people’s tongues there is only ‘Moye-Moye‘. But the story behind this is very different and a fact about which you may be unaware.

In this era of social media, anything goes viral. Sometimes ‘Just Looking Like’, sometimes ‘Rasode Mein Kaun Tha’ and now this ‘-Moye Moye’. But you might not know this, it is not ‘moye-moye’ but ‘moje more’. The Moye Moye trend has gone viral after a Serbian music video. The name of this music video is ‘Dzanum’. Serbian singer Teya Dora sings it. This song was written by Teya Dora together with Serbian rapper Slobodan Veljkovic.

Till now this music video has received more than 58 million views on YouTube and it is visible that the craze of this song, released 8 months ago, has increased so much in India. Whether it’s Instagram Reels or humorous memes, this song seems to be ubiquitous across various content. Despite its widespread use as a meme on social media, it’s essential to recognize that this song is rooted in deep emotional pain.

The song means ‘nightmare’ in Serbian. The real meaning of this song is the search for a good future and hope despite the bad dreams that come due to dreams remaining unfulfilled. Even though we have seen a lot of funny jokes in this song, in reality, the song is a bit serious and emotional. The lyrics of this 2-minute 58-second song express the sorrow of unfulfilled dreams and the determination to move forward with one’s future even after such sorrow. It is said repeatedly in the song that we have to overcome our bad dreams and disappointments and after all this, we have to live with our life, passion, and comfort.

Singer Teya Dora has expressed her happiness after seeing all the love this song is getting on social media. He has said through the post ‘After the song going viral, it feels good that finally the Serbian song is getting its own identity.’

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at swetadagar007@gmail.com.
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