Muslim guy kills his friend and recorded a video on phone, Why don’t they fear Indian laws?

Muslim guy kills his friend and recorded a video on phone, Why don't they fear Indian laws?
Muslim guy kills his friend and recorded a video on phone, Why don't they fear Indian laws?

Everyone makes fun of each other, but have you ever thought that sometimes this joke can be so heavy on someone that it can even take his life? One such case has come to light from Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, where a Muslim youth while joking with a bus conductor, attacked the bus conductor with a knife on the accusation of blasphemy. And after this, the accused also made a video in which he confessed his crime.

On Friday, November 25th, a disturbing incident unfolded involving the accused individual, Lareb Hashmi. The victim, identified as Harikesh Vishwakarma, was swiftly transported to the hospital following a violent assault. The assailant, an Islamist, hastily fled the bus and sought shelter within a neighboring college campus. Describing the alarming episode, bus driver Mangala Yadav recounted, “Out of nowhere, an attack occurred inside the bus. A sudden sound, and then the bus came to a halt.”

Lareb Hashmi recorded a video inside the college campus justifying the attack on the bus conductor. In the video, the accused says, “(The bus conductor) was abusing Muslims. So I attacked him with a knife. He will not survive. He will die soon. From India to France, anyone who insults our Prophet will be destroyed,” the Islamist was heard saying.

“We are ready to die and go to jail for you, O Prophet Muhammad. Dear Muslims, wake up about the materialism of this world and be ready to sacrifice your life for the Prophet,” Lareb Hashmi abused the victim with the best of abuses. The Islamists justified the brutal attack on the Hindu bus conductor by chanting ‘Allah Hu Akbar, and ‘La Ilaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasoolullah’.

On receiving information about the matter, police reached the college campus. Lareb Hassmi tried to escape and also fired at the police. He was shot in the leg in police retaliatory firing. The Islamist, who was a first-year engineering student at the United Engineering College in Prayagraj, was admitted to the hospital for treatment of bullet injuries. Talking about the case, DCP (Yamunanagar) Abhinav Tyagi said, “After the incident, the accused was arrested by the police and a case was registered under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code. “Further investigation is underway.”

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at
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