Wife says “your honour, my husband is guilty”, Judge’s response makes the entire court laugh

Wife says "your honour, my husband is guilty", Judge's response makes the entire court laugh
Wife says "your honour, my husband is guilty", Judge's response makes the entire court laugh

A very famous judge whose videos get millions and crores of views. It is being discussed once again on social media. Any court session is usually serious and defiant, with some focusing on the opinions and decisions of officials and judicial authority.

Therefore it could not be more appropriate to consider in constitutional places what is laughed at here. But sometimes you get to see some incident or some statement become extremely funny, and it happens during the judicial process. We are going to tell you about one such funny incident, which happened inside the court, and due to which the atmosphere of the entire court was filled with laughter.

Judge Caprio hears the plea of a loving couple who received tickets in the mail for traffic violations. Both came to the court to fight it out but the wife told the judge that her husband was the culprit…not her. When they enter the courtroom, Judge Caprio says hello and wife Linda introduces her husband to the judge. “This is my wonderful husband…I got the ticket…he was driving my car.”

Linda wanted to make it clear that it was not her fault…her loving husband was the one to blame. You can hear the judge laughing when Linda tells him that her husband said he turned right at the yellow light. “I told you you went through a yellow light? I’m not paying this…we’ll fight this.” Judge Caprio smiles and tells him he has to fight the police officer who wrote the ticket.

Linda told Judge Caprio that her husband was visiting their son, who was in the hospital after a car accident. He was driving there three times a day and once he made the mistake of turning right at a yellow light.

After watching footage of the traffic violation, Linda realized that the light her husband went through was actually red. Judge Caprio asked her, “So you’re here today to tell me he’s guilty?” Linda immediately says, “I’m not guilty…the tickets are in my name.” Judge Caprio responded, “So the first thing you did was throw him under the bus.”

Judge Caprio told the couple that the husband went through a light that was red for only .3 seconds. Linda realizes it’s not so bad but still thinks she is guilty. When Judge Caprio asked her again if she thought she was guilty, she answered honestly. “Linda conveyed to Judge Caprio that if she were a police officer, upon viewing that video, she would assert the individual’s guilt. The judge asks Linda’s husband, “You go through this every day.” He replies, “Yes, Your Honor.”

After telling Judge Caprio that they have been married for 43 years, Linda looks at her husband and asks, “Right?” Her husband immediately replies, “Yes dear.”

Who is this judge in the viral videos? The most liberal judge is Frank Caprio. Caprio’s birthplace was the Federal Hill neighborhood in Providence, known for its Italian American community. Judge Frank Caprio currently serves as the Chief Municipal Judge in Providence, Rhode Island, and he has also held the position of Chairman of the Rhode Island Board of Governors in the past. He was appointed in 1985, and has been reappointed six times by the Mayor of Providence and the Providence City Council. Often Frank Caprio’s videos go viral on social media, all the cases and people are real. Those who step in before him have a little fun with the cameras, but Judge Caprio makes it clear he’s there to do his job.

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at swetadagar007@gmail.com.
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