Remember India helped it during Earthquakes, now Turkey raises Kashmir issue at UN

Remember India helped it during Earthquakes, now Turkey raises Kashmir issue at UN
Remember India helped it during Earthquakes, now Turkey raises Kashmir issue at UN

International issues are discussed and solved at the United Nations General Assembly, which is one of the world’s largest and most important organizations. The Turkish leader has mentioned the Kashmir issue in his address to world leaders at the high-level United Nations General Assembly session.

This General Assembly is held every year in the month of September, and there the leaders of all the member countries get a chance to present their issues. During this General Assembly, global issues and controversies are usually discussed, but from time to time there is also an opportunity for a country to raise a particular issue.

An important event that attracted special attention during this year’s General Assembly was the raising of the Kashmir issue by the President of Turkey. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in his address said “Another development that will pave the way for regional peace, stability, and prosperity in South Asia is the achievement of a just and lasting peace in Kashmir through dialogue and cooperation between India and Pakistan.” “As Turkey, we will continue to support steps taken in this direction,” he said.

“Despite 75 years of independence and sovereignty, India and Pakistan are still unable to establish peace and solidarity among themselves. This is very unfortunate. We hope and pray that just and lasting peace and prosperity will be established in Kashmir,” Erdogan had said.

In 2020, during the general debate, President Erdogan made mention of Jammu and Kashmir in a pre-recorded video statement. India strongly condemned his remarks, labelling them as “wholly unacceptable.” India emphasized the need for Turkey to demonstrate respect for the sovereignty of other nations and encouraged a reconsideration of its policies.

These comments from Erdogan came shortly after his meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the G20 summit in New Delhi. During this meeting, both leaders engaged in discussions aimed at bolstering trade and infrastructure partnerships. Erdogan also expressed his pride in India’s role within the United Nations Security Council. According to him, the UN Security Council should have five permanent members and 15 non-permanent members.

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at
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