Weirdest creature found, it can expand its mouth multiple times, going viral on social media

Weirdest creature found, it can expand its mouth multiple times, going viral on social media
Weirdest creature found, it can expand its mouth multiple times, going viral on social media

What’s that thing that’s five inches long, smells like fruit, and has a sticky head that it uses as a net to catch prey? A video of this is going viral on social media in which the strangest creature can be seen. Which looks like a jelly. This species is found in the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Andaman Sea near Phuket, Mozambique, and off Indonesia.

Melibe viridis is a captivating sea slug that seems to have sprung from the depths of a surreal reverie. These remarkable creatures gracefully traverse the ocean floor in pursuit of sustenance. Upon encountering a delectable morsel, such as a diminutive shrimp, they employ a specialized structure known as the “oral veil” to deftly ensnare their prey.

Melibe viridis belongs to the sea slug family, nudibranchs, a type of marine gastropod mollusk, and it can attain an impressive length of over 120 mm. What truly sets this species apart, however, is its extraordinary feeding behavior.

The inner edge of the oral veil has small feelers called papillae; When they come in contact with something the nudibranch wants to eat, the oral covering swells outward and captures the prey. Most other nudibranchs have a tongue-like structure called a radula instead of this unique extension.

As far as the smell of the fruit goes – it is a mixture of nudibranch pheromones. Nudibranchs release fruit scents to communicate. This exotic species can be found in both the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. However, this animal is part of a larger group that includes more than 17 similar species that can be found globally.

The fish tentacles of Melibe viridis serve as a type of conductor. When this trap spots a small sea creature, it moves towards it and traps it in its net. The web of mucus leaves no chance of survival for the creature and it slowly comes together and eats it.

This unique hunting skill of Melibe viridis helps it to carve out a special niche for itself in the depths of the sea. Its tentacles are a vital part of its life and without it, it is unable to catch its food.

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at
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