Muslim girl translates Gita into Urdu language, says Gita is not for only Hindus, it’s for humanity

Muslim girl translates Gita into Urdu language, says Gita is not for only Hindus, it's for humanity
Muslim girl translates Gita into Urdu language, says Gita is not for only Hindus, it's for humanity

The importance of guiding texts that promote unity and understanding among diverse religions is always evident. One such significant text is the Bhagavad Gita, which holds a prime place in the realm of Hindu literature. This book is famous for its purpose, guidance, and basic principles of life. Recently, a Muslim girl named Hiba Fatima undertook the task of translating the Gita into Urdu and dedicated it to humanity through her perspective.

Hiba Fatima’s efforts exemplify her earnest endeavor to achieve her goal with utmost integrity.  She translated Geeta into the Urdu language to show that this scripture is not limited to only one religion or organization, but its principles are useful for every humankind. She clearly showed that the principles and teachings given in the Gita by Lord Krishna are not just for people of one caste or religion but also useful for all human beings.

Hiba Fatima says she translated the Bhagavad Gita into Urdu, commencing on August 1, 2018, and successfully completing it on October 23, 2018. Her translation is meticulous, providing a word-to-word rendition. Being proficient in Urdu, she faced the challenge head-on. She transcribed the Gita in Hindi, English, and Telugu languages. The edition of the Bhagavad Gita published by her includes five languages.

Hiba Fatima asserts that labelling the Bhagavad Gita as merely a religious text would be inaccurate, as it isn’t confined to the boundaries of any specific religion or group. Instead, it promotes humanity at large. The foremost message of the Gita is about humanity itself. Hiba Fatima’s exceptional thoughts and literary prowess remind us that education and literature provide the best means to unite humanity.

In conclusion, Hiba Fatima’s Urdu translation of the Gita conveys an important message – religion knows no boundaries and applies to all individuals of humanity. This is a thought and gratitude of them and inspires us all to move forward together. Her work bridges faiths, fostering harmony amid diversity.

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at
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