100% Sanitation workers of Pakistan are Christians or Hindus: says Asian Human rights

100% Sanitation workers of Pakistan are Christians or Hindus: says Asian Human rights
100% Sanitation workers of Pakistan are Christians or Hindus: says Asian Human rights

In Pakistan, caste-based discrimination, unsafe working conditions, and a lack of fundamental rights and safeguards are just a few of the human rights violations that sanitation workers from marginalized communities, especially religious minorities, must experience.

Sanitation workers, who are typically members of religious minorities like Christians and Hindus, are at the bottom of the social order, making them vulnerable to social stigma, prejudice, and even violence because of their caste rank.

But her troubles were far from over. One pressing issue is the significant health and safety concerns that Pakistani sanitation employees face on the job. Many employees handle toxic chemicals, infectious waste, and other harmful items without the proper safety equipment or training, placing them at considerable risk for diseases, accidents, and even death.

Sanitation workers face inadequate pay, benefits, long hours, and economic fragility, resulting in social mobility, vulnerability, and poverty.

Additionally, many workers do not have access to basic Labor protections including the right to form unions and negotiate collectively for better working conditions. Due to their lack of representation, individuals are more susceptible to being mistreated and exploited by their employers, who may choose to withhold wages, deny them access to fundamental rights, or make them work long hours.

As a result of everyday discrimination, health risks, and exploitation, the situation for sanitation workers in Pakistan is a serious human rights issue.

To protect the rights and dignity of every worker in the sanitation industry, policymakers, companies, and civil society organizations must address these challenges immediately. The situation of sanitation employees can only be remedied via collective action, assuring their welfare and protection of their fundamental rights.

By raising awareness of this critical issue, advocates hope to bring about positive change and alleviate the suffering endured by sanitation workers in Pakistan. Only through a concerted effort from all stakeholders can the dire circumstances faced by these workers be alleviated, ushering in a new era of respect, equality, and dignity for all those who contribute tirelessly to keep the nation clean and healthy.

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at swetadagar007@gmail.com.
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