Wife helps her husband to get education, Hubby marries another girl

Wife helps her husband to get education, Hubby marries another girl
Wife helps her husband to get education, Hubby marries another girl

The case of former SDM Jyoti Maurya has remained a topic of discussion, but now another disturbing case has come to light, involving a wife named Mamta and her husband Kamru in Dewas district. Mamta worked tirelessly to support Kamru, even selling her jewellery and doing odd jobs at others’ houses to finance his education and preparation for competitive exams.

Kamru eventually became a successful Commercial Tax Officer, but instead of valuing Mamta’s sacrifices and dedication, he betrayed her trust and married another woman.

Mamta and Kamru had an affair before marriage, then in 2015, they had a court marriage. Kamru was not employed at that time and only had a graduate degree. Mamta encouraged him to pursue further studies and prepare for competitive exams. Kamru was a resident of Alirajpur and Mamta was from Ariya. According to the information, the husband and both wives are being told by the tribal community.

She worked hard to provide for their needs and even ordered study materials for Kamru. Finally, their efforts paid off, and Kamru secured the position of Commercial Tax Officer in 2019-20. He was posted in Ratlam district. However, Kamru’s behavior changed after he came into contact with a young woman from Jobat and start living with her.

Mamta says that her first husband had passed away. In the following days, she met Kamru. Both were together for about six years. Mamta’s first marriage had occurred 16 years ago, but her husband passed away after just two and a half years, leaving her with a son. Tragically, her 15-year-old son also died a few months ago.

Mamta still wants to be with Kamru, despite his betrayal, but he refuses to accept her. Mamta took legal action by informing the police and filing a case in court. In the initial hearing, Kamru acknowledged Mamta as his wife but refused to live with her, offering a monthly sum of Rs 12,000 instead. Mamta’s lawyer, Suryaprakash Gupta, stated that the next court date for this case is scheduled for 22 July. Despite attempts to contact Kamru, he remains unreachable.

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at swetadagar007@gmail.com.
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