The Delhi Story: this Delhi girl tells her story which is very similar to Kerala Story

The Delhi Story: this Delhi girl tells her story which is very similar to Kerala Story
The Delhi Story: this Delhi girl tells her story which is very similar to Kerala Story

A similar story to the movie “Kerala Story” is emerging from Delhi. A video of a girl is going viral on Facebook, in which she claims that whatever happened in the Kerala Story movie has actually happened to her. Those who label Kerala Story as false and propaganda should know about this story.

It is about how a Hindu girl from Hyderabad is trapped in the web of love and brought to Delhi, and then she is given a drug pill in a clinic by which Suhaib forms a physical relationship with her. He keeps her captive for two months and when the topic of converting to Islam arises, the girl steps back.

In the video, the victim says, that she meets Suhaib in a clinic where he gives her a drug and makes obscene photos and videos of her, which he uses to blackmail her. He also keeps her imprisoned for two months in a rented house. He used to make her eat in an Islamic way and also fed her beef. Not only that, but he also makes her explicit photos and videos go viral, Due to which the girl is also defamed a lot. The girl says that this conspiracy is being executed on the clinic’s premises.

The girl reveals that she is not getting any help from the Delhi police either. She wants to share whatever happened to her but doesn’t want any other girl to become a victim of this conspiracy. The girl and her family are contemplating suicide due to the way they are being harassed. Suhaib used to extort money from the girl through blackmail.

The girl lodged a complaint once and got him arrested, but he got bail soon after, and now he is harassing her again. The girl’s only demand is that Suhaib be severely punished by the Delhi police. She also says that if anything happens to her in the future, people should not perceive her wrongly because she is not at fault, and that’s why she is seeking justice.

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at
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