Fact check: the truth behind growing eggs on plants in the field

Fact check: the truth behind growing eggs on plants in the field
Fact check: the truth behind growing eggs on plants in the field

A video from Pakistan is going quite viral, which is quite astonishing. Since this video is from Pakistan, we can say that anything is possible there. The video shows that China has provided seeds to Pakistan through which eggs can be grown in the field, and these eggs are just like real chicken eggs.

A person in the video even cracks open one egg to demonstrate. It’s surprising for everyone who sees it. This news sounds very strange to hear, but several white-coloured eggs are visible in the videos.

In the video, it can be clearly seen that person cracks open an egg grown from plants, and a yellow substance comes out just like a real egg. The video also claims that these eggs are in high demand, and bookings for them were made 6 to 12 months in advance. The person who made the video says that the person engaged in this farming is becoming very wealthy.

The video also claims that the cost of producing one egg through this farming method is only 1 to 2 Pakistani rupees, but it is sold in the market for 6 to 7 rupees or even more. This means that there is good profit to be made. However, we inform you that the claims made in the viral video are completely not true.

According to News Nation, Pakistani plant experts explain that these are actually white-colored brinjals (eggplants), and they are the plants being shown. They have replaced brinjal with real eggs to show the demonstration. The Pakistani expert explains very well why this video is fake and why these eggs are fake. When an egg is formed, the yolk is formed first, then the white is formed, and it has a membrane on top. After that, calcium deposition occurs, and then the egg is formed.

In the video, the eggs shown in the plants have all been artificially attached together. There should be small eggs with visible egg yolks, but all of them are of the same size. News Nation reports that during an investigation, a video was seen on YouTube in which eggs were being glued to the plants using adhesive and thread.

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at swetadagar007@gmail.com.
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