Biggest S*x racket- More than 100 Hindu girls raped by Farooq Chisti from Ajmer Sharif Dargah’s caretaker’s family

Biggest S*x racket- More than 100 Hindu girls raped by Farooq Chisti from Ajmer Sharif Dargah's care taker's family.
Biggest S*x racket- More than 100 Hindu girls raped by Farooq Chisti from Ajmer Sharif Dargah's care taker's family.

Ajmer Rape Case 1992 India’s Biggest Sex Scandal. More than 100 girls were raped. All in one place and within a few days. Nobody would have known about it.

Ajmer is a famous city in Rajasthan. There is a school there called Sophia Senior Secondary School. In 1992, Farooq Chishti, an outsider, trapped a girl from the 9th standard of this school in his love. They soon entered into a relationship and started hanging out together. They built trust in each other.

Their friendship became very deep, and one day, Farooq Chishti took the girl to a farmhouse. When the girl reached the farmhouse, Farooq Chishti had sex with her. While having sex, Farooq Chishti took some pictures and showed them to the girl. Based on the photos, he threatened the girl that if she didn’t bring one of her friends to the same place the next day, he would viral the photos. And this is how India’s biggest sex scandal started.

Gradually, this game expanded, and around 18 people became involved, but there were three prime members: Farooq Chishti, Anwar Chishti, and Nafees Chishti. This gang started calling not only students but also family members of girls to join. The shocking thing was that if any girl brought her Muslim friend along, these people would remove them and send them back. The agenda of this gang was to rape only Hindu girls and instill so much fear in them that they wouldn’t complain or inform their families.

The case came to light when the girls from that school, who were raped, started committing suicide. People realized that something was wrong when girls from the same school were committing suicide within a short period.

After the case was revealed, it was discovered that Farooq Chishti was a member of the caretaker family of the Ajmer Sharif Dargah and the President of the Youth Congress.

Out of the 1   00 victims in this case, only 12 girls came forward, and the case proceeded. And only one girl went ahead in this case. She identified the 18 boys from the gang. After 1992, eight boys from the gang received imprisonment. The Supreme Court reduced their prison term to only 10 years in 2003. Farooq Chishti was declared a criminal in 2007, and in 2012, Salim Chishti, who was on the run, was arrested by the Rajasthan Police. In 2018, Suhail Chishti surrendered himself to the police.

When this case came to light in 1992, Congress manipulated the people there and told them not to talk much about the case because it could lead to community violence across the country, where people from two religions could clash.

Another thing that came to light was that no one marries girls from Ajmer. If the boy’s family finds out that the girl is from Ajmer, they outright refuse the proposal.

We have always seen that many movies and web series are made on such cases, but the question is why, even after more than 30 years, no movie or short story has been made on this case. Why did no one have the courage to make a movie or web series on the Ajmer case?

Even now, such cases come to light, and these cases specifically target girls aged between 11 and 20. Because at this age, they easily become attracted. We should be careful about this and not get involved so quickly.

Sweta Dagar is an avid reader and writer. She hails from Bulandshahr (U.P) where she completed her formap education. She loves exploring varieties of topics that shape the public opinion at large. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at
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