Maulana is Angry at the fact that Girls and Boys study together in same school, gives warning to Modi Govt

One of the most notable and emerging Muslim organizations from New Delhi Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind recently opposed co-education and asked the wealthy community to contribute to the construction of separate schools and universities for boys and girls.

Keep daughters away from “immorality”

According to Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind (Maulana Arshad Madani group), no religion in the world promotes indecency and vulgarity. The main motto of this project is to keep away daughters from “immorality” and advises non-Muslims to comply with the same.

Refrain from Co-education

“Immorality and obscenity is not a teaching of any religion. It has been condemned in every religion of the world because these are the things that spread misbehavior in society. Therefore, we will also ask our non-Muslim brothers to refrain from giving co-education to their daughters to keep them away from immorality and misbehavior, and to set up separate educational institutions for them,” Madani said.

Jamiat Conference

On Monday, Jamiat’s working committee convened and discussed methods to change society. During the conference, the concept of separate education for boys and girls and measures to change society was addressed in depth.

Organization president and Muslim leader Arshad Madani also discussed the fate of higher education for all Muslim children. Only higher education for both girls and boys can eradicate religious and ideological conflict that is raging across the country.

Argument for Higher Education

“It is also a fact that Muslims did not deliberately withdraw themselves from education, because if they were not interested in education, why would they establish madrasas.”

“I would like to repeat my words once again that Muslims must equip their children with higher education at any cost. We desperately need schools and colleges in which our children, especially girls with religious identities, can get higher education in the world without any hindrance or discrimination” he asserted.

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