Stories of people selling tea and becoming rich are so true. We might have heard a lot about it. Now, let’s learn the story of a couple who runs a tea stall to fund their dream of the world tour. Yes, Vijayan and Mohana have travelled to 35 countries so far. You read it right! They sold tea to travel the world and their journey is one that needs to be shared with everyone.
Vijayan and Mohana run a tea stall named Sree Balaji Coffee House in the middle of Kochi. Vijayan said that they end up saving Rs 300 per day. But how did or do they save for travel?

First of all, the couple runs the shop themselves and did not hire any employees to help them and they keep their expenses to the minimum. This efficient strategy helped them to save a lot of money. Also, it has not been that easy to save up for their travels, as Binsky narrates.
The couple take loans to travel to various countries and after every trip they spend around 3 years repaying the bank. They continue this technique for every trip.
Quite interestingly, posters of all the countries they have travelled so far in their fruitful journey are now framed and hung on the wall. They have also displayed the bills of all the countries in their tea stall.
Vijayan and Mohana, the lovely couple who is nearing 70, have been married for like 45 years. In fact, they both have always one thing in common i.e. evergreen dream of travelling the world. In a bid to fund their dream and to make their dreams come true, Vijayan started selling tea on the streets in the year 1963, which is around 56 years ago.
Vijayan said that his favourite countries are Singapore, Switzerland and America (New York). The couple now plans to visit other interesting countries in the world. Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, Greenland and Norway are in the bucket list for this couple. There is no stopping!
Applauding their endeavours, Anand Mahindra had some interesting words in store for the couple. He said: “They may not figure in the Forbes Rich list but in my view, they are amongst the richest people in our country. Their wealth is their attitude to life. The next time I’m in their town I am definitely dropping by for tea & a tour of their exhibits.”