Mukesh Ambani is a simple and down-to-earth person who prefers the same for his food. He is a hardcore vegetarian and has even followed the code when he lives alone in the USA during the 1970s when he was studying at Stanford. Although Mukesh Ambani eats eggs, he avoids the meat of any sort.
Mukesh has never consumed alcohol in his life. He is also a pure vegetarian by food habits. His favorite foods are chapati, rice and dal. He does not mind eating anywhere even from a roadside stall as long as he gets access to tasty food.

Mukesh Ambani is not fussy about food. He likes experimenting with all sorts of foods from the posh restaurants to the roadside cafes. His favorite foods places are Mysore Café in Matunga and Swati Snacks. Mukesh Ambani is so fond of Swati Snacks that if someone is going to the place he always asks for a parcel for himself. Mukesh Ambani also enjoys chaat at Chandni Chowk. With time he has also developed a liking for Thai food as his children love Thai cuisine. Also, he loves thali cuisine especially when they are traveling outside India. According to Mukesh Ambani, he does not mind having anything as long as it is vegetarian.
Mukesh Ambani is fond of Idli- sambar which is prepared at home every Sunday for breakfast. Mukesh Ambani loves idli sambar so much that he doesn’t even mind having it from the small canteens at the airports. He also likes dosa and knows a special person at Gwalia Tank who makes it best.
Nita Ambani in an exclusive interview with Hindustan Times spoke about their personal life. She said that Mukesh Ambani often comes home late but he always takes dinner with her. Nita Ambani further said that she does not eat dinner until Mukesh Ambani returns home, no matter how late he is. The couple hardly takes out time due to a busy life, but they always take dinner together every night.
Nita Ambani said we both decided that no matter how busy we are, we will spend quality time with each other whether it is at home or outside. Neeta Ambani and Mukesh often go on holiday together.
According to a news portal, Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani’s favourite holiday destination is Kruger National Park in South Africa. The Ambani family has visited the destination a couple of times.
Mukesh Ambani, during various interviews, has shared that he likes to spend his Sundays with his mother, wife, and children. There is a family photo or a picture of Mukesh Ambani’s father, Dhirubhai Ambani in every room of the house.
In an interview in 2011, Nita revealed how much pocket money she gives to her children. “When my kids were still young, I’d give them Rs 5 each and every Friday to spend in the school canteen.”
“One day, my youngest, Anant, came running into my bedroom and demanded for Rs 10 instead,” Nita said.
“When I questioned him, he said…”
“When I questioned him, he said his pals in school laughed whenever they saw him take out a five-rupee coin saying,’Tu Ambani hai ya bhikari!’ Mukesh and I couldn’t help but crack up,” Nita added.
“As I have already told you that Nita Ambani is from a middle-class family, she narrates,” My mum was a disciplinarian and we were barely allowed to go out – just four times in a year – and there was no pocket money given. Not to mention my curfew, which was midnight.”