The entire world is totally in a complete mess for decades. It is cognisance of the fact that there is quite a lot of nonsensical, retrogressive and unethical practices which we have been following since ages. However, have you ever realised which never lets us get over these things? The phrase Culture” or “Tradition”, which are quite often misused to the greatest of effects.
We currently live in a nation which intends to go up and above in every walk of life, but many “Cultures” or “Traditions” are slowing down the progress. It might as well seem extremely tough to bring about an end to these customs which are of no use to India, but its definitely not impossible.
On the other side of the coin, American celebrities have often come under fire for their style of dressing. Although they take pride in the fact that it is the latest fashion, but it never the case in the fans’ perspective. According to netizens, celebrities, actresses are setting a bad example in society.

At times, some celebrities have even crossed their limits and did something which is deemed contrary to the spirit of mankind or human values.
Coming to the point, a Norther Ireland politician had some harsh words in store for American singer and pop star Rihanna for dancing inappropriately in his field.
Rihanna who is one of the best international icons in the music industry was busy shooting her new video by the name of al fresco near Ballyrobert yesterday when her inappropriate actions were considered too erotic for some.
The DUP Alderman and farmer Alan Graham had also asked the international singer to stop filming her new song, particularly in the grain field, which he owns.
“I did not know on Friday who was coming, but if the name Rihanna had have been mentioned to me the name would have meant nothing to me,” the Co Down man said.
“When the filming did become to my mind unacceptable I requested the filming to stop.”
The farmer was out in the field in his tractor when he said he saw Rihanna taking her clothes off for her shoot. “It became apparent to me that the situation was becoming inappropriate and I requested them to stop and they did stop,” he told Good Morning Ulster.
“I had my conversation with Rihanna regarding that and I hope she understands where I’m coming from and we shook hands and we parted company on good enough terms.
“The filming was taking place on my land and I have an ethos and I felt that that was inappropriate and that’s why I requested it to stop and I do think the shoot did end then.”