There are two facts about heroes that have never been in doubt. One acts in movies to entertain the audience to earn fame and reputation for the knack of his acting skills whereas the other takes risks to save people in real-life scenarios, say Indian soldiers or a common man.
The hero is someone who can give real-time protection by all means. The sad reality is that people admire film heroes as much as they admire gods. We have seen, in many parts of India, avid fans offering milk Abhishekam and prayers for the filmy heroes they admire who just act in movies but when the hero risks his life to save lives, he gets no hype but just an appreciation by some people.
We live in a society where people appreciate film heroes who save people’s lives in action sequences but when the same thing happens real, no one bats an eye.
Meet the real Hero- who climbed the burning building and saved several lives of students from Surat fire tragedy
At least 20 people were killed and several others were badly injured in a fire disaster at Surat’s coaching centre in Gujarat. Some students were forced to jump off a commercial complex after it caught fire today afternoon. What started as a small spark turned out to be a disaster.

The fire completely surrounded the third and fourth floor of the Taxshila Complex, the official who witnessed the scenes added in a statement. The coaching centre was located on the third and fourth floors of the Takshashila Complex, and several students were forced to jump off the burning building.
However, at the need of the hour, one hero appeared right in front of everyone. The man named Ketan Jorawadia is now being appreciated for his extraordinary tale of bravery during the incident. He put his own life at risk in sure death zone and went all out to save the lives of fellow citizens.
As per India Today, Ketan, without even caring about his life, boldly climbed on to the ridge of the building and helped students get out safely.
It is cognisance of the fact that one of the main dangers of a building fire is suffocation and Ketan helped some of the students get out of the windows safely. According to a Twitter user, Ketan rescued at least 2 girls from falling off the building.
Investigations are now underway about the cause of the fire, and the owner of the coaching centre has been arrested. Further details are awaited.
Risking one’s life in a bid to save others’ lives is the fighter’s mentality and Ketan Jorawadia stood by this phrase with boldness and sheer presence of mind. Had it not been for his decisiveness, things could have been a different one altogether. Let’s take a moment to appreciate him by sharing this article!
Meet Aditya- 15-yr-old boy who saved more than 40 lives when a bus caught fire
Aditya K was just a normal guy like many others. The 15-year-old Master Aditya K, who hails from Kerala had done something extraordinary to save more than 40 lives when a bus they were travelling caught fire in Nepal in May 2019. Just 50 km short of reaching Indian border, the bus unexpectedly caught fire at Daunnein.

While the bus driver escaped the scene to save himself, Aditya sprung into action without even caring for his life and saved 40 passengers by using a hammer to kick the back window just moments before the diesel tank exploded into a fireball and the whole bus burnt into ashes.
The brave boy received the prestigious Bharat Award at the award ceremony. Adhithya expressed his interest to join the Indian Air Force. He said he would use the scholarship to study hard. “I want to join the Indian Air Force and I will use the scholarship to study hard,” he said.
Mumbai train driver risked his own life and saved 900 lives
During monsoon season, Mumbai citizens suffered the wrath of heavy showers. The severe effects of monsoon were witnessed when five people were injured early morning after a section of a 40-year-old bridge collapsed around 7.30 am at Mumbai’s Andheri station.
Things could have been gone from bad to worse had it not been for Chandrashekhar Sawant’s presence of mind. Sawant, the driver of a local train noticed the bridge crumbling from a near distance and he quickly applied emergency brakes to stop the train just a few metres away.

Thanks to Chandrashekar who displayed stellar heroics and saved many lives. For his heroic act, he was awarded 5 lakh rupees from the Union Railways Minister Piyush Goyal. ‘I immediately applied emergency brakes when I saw the line snap. A major accident was averted as it was peak hour and a lot of people were around,’ Sawant said.
“Slabs had started falling as we were approaching the bridge. By the time I hit the emergency brakes, the slabs had fallen… We stopped at a distance of hardly 60 metres,” NDTV quoted Sawant saying.
“It was a regular day when I noticed that the bridge ahead was beginning to come down. My instant reaction was to hit the emergency brakes as far from the crash as possible,” he told Zee News.
“I would like to thank motorman Chandrashekhar Sawant who stopped the train as soon he saw an overhead electric line snap and averted a bigger mishap. He will be awarded Rs 5 lakh,” Railways Minister Piyush Goyal said.
Union Railways Minister said that emergency compensation of Rs 1 lakh will be given to 5 people injured in the unfortunate incident and further added that the railways will take care of their treatment expenses.
Meet US soldier Ravi Dharnidharka who saved more than 157 Indians during a terror attack in India
The whole nation knows what happened in Mumbai on the dark night of 26/11 as the city faced one of its worst terror attacks in history. 10 Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists infiltrated Mumbai by means of a sea route from Pakistan and executed a string of shooting and bombing attacks across the city. The terrorists took over Mumbai for four days as they murdered 166 people and injured over 300.

Several brave policemen put their own lives at risk and fought against deadly terrorists and eventually lost their lives. It is during these serious moments of grave pain and danger, one such hero named Captain Ravi Dharnidharka, a former US marine who rose up to the situation and rescued as many as 157 lives during the operation of the Taj hotel.
As per India Times, Captain Dharnidharka was in India after more than 10 years to meet and spend quality time with his uncles and cousins. Especially on the day of the attack, he and his family were dining at Souk, the Lebanese restaurant on the 20th floor of the Taj Mahal Palace.
As per the British journalists Cathy Scott-Clark and Adrian Levy who were also caught inside the hotel, Captain Deharnidharka including 6 South African ex-commandos came together and planned to act when they heard of the news of the attack on the phone.
As per the book by the British journalists – ‘The Siege: 68 Hours Inside The Taj Hotel‘ – two of the South African commandos narrated the whole situation to people, while Captain Dharnidharka including another commando found a secure hall where civilians could remain safe and secure.
They had prevented a fire stairway with tables and chairs only to make it tough for the terrorists to enter the floor. While moving everyone through the kitchen into the secure hall, they had armed themselves with objects like knives, meat cleavers, rods to fight back if the circumstance demanded a counter-attack.
The hall which was occupied with 157 civilians was totally darkened and the doors were barricaded with available heavy object and people were asked to remain in silence.
They had barricaded the fire escape inside the hall and then asked the hotel staff to unblock the stairs if they had to make an emergency exit from the place. Soon they heard 2 explosions. After the terrorists set off RDX in the heritage towers of the Taj, they waited silently for their moment of escape.
It was around 2 a.m. that the terrorists set off 10 kilos of RDX right below the central dome of the Taj, and then set the sixth floor on fire. The fire sparked upwards which could make things a bit tougher by blocking their exit, cutting their power supply or suffocating them Captain Dharnidharka ensured to help people vacate the hall gradually.
15-Year-Old Boy chased down a car and saved a girl from kidnapping
Temar Boggs, a 15-year-old student who lives in Lancaster risked his life only to rescue a kidnapped little girl from all sorts of trouble. Boggs is a normal guy like others. His only intention was to save the girl who was kidnapped in the vicinity.

“After finding out about the abduction], we went out there and made a little search party of all of our friends and went to go look for her, go find her. We looked for about half an hour to about 45 minutes around the area where they said she could have been missing and we couldn’t find her at all so we came back. The whole block was filled with fire fighters, police, newscasts, and so on so forth,” Temar Boggs was quoted as saying by MSNBC.
“So people were– everybody in the group was scattered out everywhere. People were in their houses. One of my friends was at their houses; most of my friends were talking to other people, and all this other stuff.
And I was just up a long thing on the bike and I had a feeling in my stomach that I was going to find the little girl. And I went toward that way and Chris (Bogg’s friend) followed me, and from there, then– and we saw a suspicious car, we looked in the passenger seat: the little girl was in the car. We chased it for about ten to fifteen minutes and I guess he got scared and let her out in the corner.
I picked her up—well, no, I didn’t pick her up, she ran to me and said she needed her mommy, and I rode her back home. Well, halfway, cause the way I had her was dangerous so then I carried her back halfway home.
So what about the car was suspicious, what made it catch your eye?
He was just turning around like he was turning around down–I wouldn’t say streets, cause they were like little cul-de-sacs, but then they would branch off to another street. So he was turning down those.
So, like, up the hill where I was chasing him down… there was like a car of cops, and he saw them and turned back around and went down the hill. And that just made it a little more suspicious. And then I looked in the passenger seat – the little girl was there.
And when you saw her – were you scared? Did you know it was her? What was going through your mind? I wasn’t scared, I was just [thinking], “Save the little girl, make sure she was okay.”
So you got her, you took her back, you gave her to the police first? Or did you take her straight to the family?
I took her to… I think it was a firefighter. And you got to meet her family later. What was that like? It was just heartwarming, how much love they showed me. How do you feel about having saved that girl?
It was just out of the heart. It wasn’t to get attention or anything. It was just to help somebody in the community, help make sure another little life was okay and make sure her future could be possible.
And your friend Chris, how does he feel about it? He feels the same way. He did that out of heart, he didn’t do it to receive anything.”
Real-Life Hero- He risked his own life and saved 15 children alone from dying
Karanbeer Singh was just a normal person like many others. Hailing from Amritsar, he is a class 11 student of DAV Public school. But when Karanbeer was returning home on his school bus, the vehicle accidentally fell into a drain owing to the broken railing on a narrow bridge near Muhawa village of Attari assembly constituency in Amritsar district.

The unfortunate incident killed 7 school children little did Karanbeer Singh know that he would face the nightmarish moment of his life. The injured Karanbir had no clue what was really going on in that tense situation but had enough guts to risk his life and saved other 15 other lives from the water-filled bus.
“He (driver) was driving rashly. I had warned him about the narrow bridge ahead that doesn’t have railings but he didn’t listen. Suddenly the front tyres were in the air and we landed in the drain,” said Karanbir.
Karanbir Singh was pretty much particular about his demands to make from Prime Minister about repairing the bridge as that broken railing on a narrow bridge cost his friends’ lives. “I have three demands to make from Prime Minister Narendra Modi when I meet him. First, I will ask him to provide funds to complete the construction of the bridge and its railing so that no such accident happens again.
“We travel more than 15 kilometres extra every day to avoid this bridge. But still, many other school buses use it every day and so it could result in another accident any day. Construction of the bridge will not only save time but will also save lives,” Karanbir was quoted as saying by the Indian Express.
Hearing the story of Karanbir Singh, Prime Minister Modi decided to meet him personally. As per news, The Prime Minister will give him bravery award for his selfless heroic work in the dreadful situation.
Remembering that dreadful day, Karanbir said that he tried to rescue as many lives as possible that nightmarish day. Karanbir said that most of the children had their heads in dirty water including his sister who was also on that same bus. He added further saying that the children that he saved on that day look at him with love and respect.
“Most of the children had their heads in dirty water, including my sister Jaismeen Kaur. I tried to save as many lives as possible. I was in class XI then. Now, I am in class XII in the same school. All those children saved by me now look at me with love and respect,” said Karanbeer.
Hats off to this Heroic firefighter – He saved three Children from a burning house
A firefighter is a person who saves human lives as well as valuable properties putting his own life at risk, either voluntarily or by occupation. He gets into heroic acts to tackle fires and rescue people and animals from dangerous situations. We can fairly describe him as a real hero.

In a recent destructive incident, Roben Duge who is extensively trained in firefighting proved that he is capable of rescuing three lives from a burning house in Brooklyn in New York. Unsurprisingly. It turned out to be an absolute heroic act in an emergency situation. Preliminary investigation suggests that A child playing downstairs in the basement inadvertently ignited the fire.
Sparked by a small ball of fire and eventually turn to mammoth flames, the child was literally frightened that she couldn’t explain to her grandmother. The flames got widespread all over the area immediately. Gallant fire-fighter Duge off duty and was heading back home from the subway. He suddenly came across something fishy as he noticed the thick black smoke pouring out of his neighbour’s house.
As soon as he came to know something was really wrong, he rushed to the spot where he saw the smoke coming up from the building. The brave fire-fighter showed his bravery to the world. He heroically entered the house and pulled two kids and grandmother out at the drop of the hat. Roben Duge’s wife Crystal Duge was highly impressed by her husband’s daring act.
“It’s just who he is,” she said Friday. “He’s Superman.” “He ran into the house and he just pulled the kids and (the grandmother) and pulled them out,” said Duquan Williams, 27, father of the rescued children. “Good thing he’s there when it happened.”
However, Roben Duge said that he did his duty. “I’m not a hero, I’m just reacting off instinct,” he said. “When I heard the kids screaming, it hit home,” Duge told the Daily News. “I thought, ‘If I can only get in deep enough’ — and I don’t have any gear, and I don’t know how dangerous it is.”
The grandmother Linda Mitchell said, “I live to see another day.” She showered praises on the brave fire-fighter and said that “He helped me out. And that was a blessing … He did what he had to do.”