Indore truck driver son tops district with 98.3% in 10th board Exam, makes parents proud

Truck Driver's Son
Indore Truck Driver's Son

Where there’s a will, there’s always a way. A bird is born to fly, a fish is born to swim and a human being is born to achieve and touch the pinnacle of success. But the biggest question arises as to how many minds of the nation really use their potential to better effect and create something extraordinary in life? Hardly, few.

We have heard that “Success is directly proportional to efforts”, here we see a beautiful example of this. Son of a truck driver hogged the limelight as he delivered fantastic result in the tenth board exams.

Hailing from Indore in Madhya Pradesh, the class 10 student Rohit Raj has made his parents feel proud. His exemplary commitment, determination and willingness to come on top led him to secure a fantastic 98.3% percent in his board examinations.

Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) has recently announced the class 10th board exam results on July 4 (Saturday) on its official website. Rohit studied in Gyan Alok Vidhya Mandir H.S. School in Indore.

He used to go to school by bicycle every day, which took him 20–30 minutes. His regular studying routine is quite phenomenal. He studied for around 10-12 hours every day and that helped him remember the concepts and write well in the exams. 

Rohit said, Math is his favourite subject and wants to become a software engineer in the future. He proved that the Truck driver’s son can also become a topper.

Rohit can breathe a sigh of relief as all his hard work paid off. Hard work, determination and perseverance can steer you to touch the pinnacle of success. It is a big achievement for somebody whose father is a truck driver. It is a matter of pride for many youths who are financially weak.

The Youth wishes the boy good luck for the future endeavours.

Writer, historian, and activist Dharam Sikarwar is a very active author The Youth. He writes on national and international issues, environment, politics. He is an avid book reader as well.
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