In a heart-wrenching incident, a three-month-old baby passed away in Karur owing to self-medication done by the child’s parents at their home.
The baby was born to parents 30-year-old P Chinnarasu, a daily wage labourer and Meena (26) The three months old infant was affected by constipation for the past few days.
During this situation, the couple’s relatives and neighbours suggested them to give some castor oil to the baby in order to cure it. Instead of consulting a doctor, the couple followed their suggestion as the child was fed milk along with castor oil.’
Later on, the infant fell sick and died at Trichy GH while undergoing treatment.
The police sources added: “instead of taking the baby to a doctor, the parents gave the baby some castor oil along with the milk. Due to this, the infant started suffering from breathing issues. They had immediately taken the infant to a nearby hospital for treatment. But the doctors advised them to take the baby to Trichy GH for enhanced treatment. Unfortunately, the baby died at the hospital while undergoing treatment. Doctors have told that feeding castor oil to the baby was the main reason for death”.
Speaking to New Indian Express, Dr Mathura who works as a paediatrician said, “Many of them are still carrying out self-medication despite issuing several awareness and warnings to them. While self-medication is not encouraged even for adults, people are carrying it out on children. This happens majorly in the rural areas of our country. Lack of awareness leads them to do such activities.
At the end of the day, the people are the ones who are going to suffer and sometimes might also end up in a life loss. Without giving a second thought, the must take their child and visit a doctor if he/she is not feeling well. Each child reacts differently to different medications based on their health conditions and that’s the reason one mustn’t prescribe their own medicines to their children.”
Palaviduthi police officials lodged a case and investigation is still on.