The scope of social media has become so widespread that every news and every video is easily reaching to people. Sometimes you get surprised when you come across news on social media.
Recently, a woman gave birth to identical quadruplets. Yes, you read it right. Birth of identical twins is quite rare, the birth of triplets looking similar are rarer. But what about the birth of quadruplets? It is an extremely rare case scenario which is 1 in 11 million occurrence.
The doctors who performed the operation were quite surprised to find out that four identical quadruplets were born some time ago at a Dallas hospital, USA.
As per NBCDFW – babies namely Hudson, Harrison, Henry and Hardy were born at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, Dallas, to parents Jenny and Chris Marr.

The quadruplets were delivered on March 15 and this happened at the time when compulsory stay-at-home orders were coming into effect due to the ongoing coronavirus.
Even though the quads were born a couple of months ago, the hospital just announced the birth recently after the mother and the babies were fit enough to go home.
The parents carried their babies and went home this Tuesday after the babies gained enough weight.
The hospital added in a statement that such births are very rare – only one in 11 million.
None of the parents of the children have a history of multiple births in their families, the hospital confirmed.
“This situation is so incredibly rare that there are only about 72 documented cases of spontaneous, identical quadruplets ever,” NBCDFW quoted Texas Health Hospital’s, Dr Brian Rinehart, as saying in a news release.