We love to hit the restaurants at weekends or on special occasions, don’t we? Especially, the foodies would be desperate to try a variety of foods to satisfy their taste buds. After placing your favourite order, you would wait for the dish to appear in front of you.
Once you receive the food, you would eat it wholeheartedly without wasting any snippet of it. After which, you pay the bills and add quite a few tips to the waiter/waitress. This similar process is followed everywhere. But we don’t even care about the life of a waiter or waitress. However, a couple did pay some attention to a waitress identified as Adrianna Edwards. She works at Denny’s, an American restaurant chain in Galveston, Texas.

She couldn’t believe her eyes after she was recently gifted a brand new car by an anonymous couple she served at breakfast. The couple had also gifted her a ride after coming to know that a young woman had to walk 14 miles round-trip in a bid to get to work every day.
“I still feel like I’m dreaming. Every two hours, I come look out my window and see if there’s still a car there.” Adrianna Edwards told KTRK-TV.
Digging a bit deep about the story, Edwards told the station that the couple sat in her section on Tuesday for breakfast, and learned that the waitress was saving up money for a car. The couple paid the bill and left the place soon only to return a few hours later with the car keys of 2011 Nissan Sentra that they had just bought for her from Classic Galveston Auto Group.
“She teared up, which made me happy that she was so moved by that,” the woman who bought the car told KTRK, which kept her anonymous because the benefactors wished to remain unnamed.
Edward’s travel time, which previously took more than 4 hours, will now take just 30 minutes.“I just hope that one day when I’m financially stable enough, I can help somebody else in need,” said Edwards.