It is no secret that IITians are giving absolutely everything to bring a change to society. Their ability to think out of the box and to design something innovative sets them a class apart from most other students. They are nothing short of producing some brilliant inventions. Their latest grabbed attention in the country.
IIT Delhi students developed ‘stand and pee’ device for women to put an end to urinary infections from dirty washrooms.

A startup named ‘Sanfe’ was et up about a year ago by Archit Agarwal and Harry Sehrawat and both are students of IIT-Delhi, it has touched the Rs 1 crore revenue mark according to their claims.
The BTech students came up with a phenomenal device for women to stand and pee and need to worry or fear of urinary infections from dirty washrooms.
What made them think of creating a stand and pee device for women?
Especially on a trip to mountains, one of their female friends developed a urinary tract infection after using a dirty public washroom. The boys realised over 50% of Indian women also face this same kind of problem.
So they decided to develop a device, which could be easily affordable and also easy to use and it was when it came the ‘Stand and pee’ device. It is price only at Rs 10 a piece, the device also has registered good online sales as well.
Not just that! they also developed a period pain relief oil known as special oil for women in a bid to get relief from period pain.
According to them, relief roll-on helps in quick and long-lasting relaxation from period pain.
“The initial plan was to create a product to help women avoid dirty public washrooms. Later, we realised that there are lot of things that must be done to improve the state of female hygiene in India,” Sehrawat told IANS.