In what was a heart-touching story, a Sikh girl from Jammu by the name of Manjot Singh Kohli, 23, saved her friend’s life by donating her kidney to Samreen who is suffering from a kidney ailment. The latter’s life was in danger and she badly required a kidney transplant to survive.
It is a great example when one comes forward to donate a kidney and save the life of a colleague. Thanks to Manjot Singh Kohli! You won our hearts! Manjot agreed to donate her kidney to Samreen despite her family having reservations about it.

Nonetheless, despite having done with all the formalities, the authorisation committee has still not finished the case “since the father of the donor has made a representation cautioning against removing kidney of his daughter for the transplant”.
“We can’t blame them (family). They are emotionally attached to their kid. I cannot say they are wrong. From their point of view what they are doing is right. But I think rising above the emotions, we should do what God has sent us for. All the relations will stay here and saving life is most important. Plus I am a major and I can take decisions of my own,” Manjot told DNA.
Hailing from Jammu’s Udhampur, Manjot met Samreen four years ago and since then they had been friends. “Since I am a social activist and she used to participate in my activities and we became good friends.
Five months back, I read a Facebook status of our common friend about Samreen. I was confused about whether she is the same Samreen. Next day I took the flight to meet her,” Manjot Singh Kohli who also is the youngest women entrepreneur of the state and chairperson of an NGO ‘International Anti-Corruption and Human Rights Council’.
Samreen who is from Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) Srinagar added that Manjot can any do anything for her. “For the last four months, she has not budged from her stand. She is the finest example of true friendship,” said Samreen, who skipped masters programme following her illness.
Mukhtar Ahmad Malik, Samreen’s father said “I am a simple tailor and have spent Rs 7-8 lakh for treatment. But her condition is deteriorating by the day. Even after Manjot offered the kidney and completed all the formalities, her father is not accepting. I have told her that family is her priority and she should back out,” he said.
Dr Farooq Jan, Medical Superintendent of SKIMS, added that the father of the donor asked the institute not to allow the girl to offer her kidney. It has been said that Manjot’s family was also against her decision, but Manjot is firm.
“I’m not scared of anything. My only concern is that humanity should not lose out. My family has got swayed by emotion… but I shall go ahead anyway,” Manjot told The Telegraph.
“My strong belief in humanity is motivating me, and you can see the communal harmony my decision is creating…. Had my family supported me, it would have made me very happy. But I’m an adult and nothing bars me legally from donating my kidney,” she said.