We have seen the policemen driving cars and bikes while on patrolling duty but have you ever seen them riding a bicycle? Yes, you read that right! Hyderabad policemen were seen riding a bicycle for flexible street patrolling with a helmet.
This could give us a hint that the police go green with an eco-friendly vehicle. Punjagutta police recently launched the initiative with a single cycle. A similar initiative has been launched by Delhi police too and the featured tagline for the cycles – ‘Reaching Every Corner’.

In the picture, the constable can be seen riding a cycle, wearing a red helmet. He stole the spotlight and caught public attention and many people around there clicked pictures as well. It is learnt that the patrolling duty for the constables will start at 10 am and end at 5 pm and they are supposed to cover over 7 kilometres a day.
The bicycle is well equipped with a first aid kit, manpack, lathi, siren, LED light, water bottle. It was bought for 4,800 using the monthly maintenance amount sanctioned to the police station. It has been reported that only physically fit people will be asked to do patrolling by cycle.
S Ravindra, Inspector Punjagutta added an important point that bicycle would be much better in places like narrow lanes and street corners where patrol cars and bikes can otherwise not reach.
“This is a first time in the city and we have started with one bicycle. The results are good. In the next couple of days, we will increase the number to four, making the total no of patrol bicycles to five.” he said.
Ravindra also added that there were many colonies, lanes and bylanes, which were not able to reach out by means of patrolling vehicles such as bikes and cars. But this bicycle now has an edge over other vehicles as it can complete the objective without having to waste time in traffic jams or huge crowd movements.
These bicycles are specially introduced to cover the under-accessed areas. So, these vehicles won’t be asked to cover the main roads. The police added that it will help them to make an eye contact with the public and also enhance the access that the people have to them.