In a competitive world where India is more into the new era of Science & Technology, Space Exploration and other factors in the build-up to the economic development in India, the nation is still carrying an unwanted record which we people are aware of.
With so many records to boast about India’s development, their failure to stop rape cases is haunting like hell. Rape is the fourth most common crime in India. The level of rape cases in our nation rose alarmingly. It is learnt that most of the rape cases were committed by someone known to the victim.

A month back, MP home minister Bhupendra Singh claimed that watching porn videos directly or indirectly accounts for the rape cases in India. Not just that, India is subjected to human traffickings such as sex slavery, domestic servitude and customary practices such as female infanticide, forced marriage, stoning as well.
According to a recent survey by Thomas Reuters, India is voted as the most dangerous country for women. The survey added that India is ranked even worse than Afghanistan and Syria. The US has been ranked third-most dangerous country along with Syria.
“India has shown utter disregard and disrespect for women … rape, marital rapes, sexual assault and harassment, female infanticide has gone unabated,” the report quoted Manjunath Gangadhara, a Karnataka government official, as saying. “The (world’s) fastest growing economy and leader in space and technology is shamed for violence committed against women.”
According to government data, the crime against women in the country increased by 83% between 2007 and 2016, with four cases reported each hour. Check out the top 10 dangerous countries for women. India ranks first, followed by Afghanistan and Syria.
#1. India
#2. Afghanistan
#3. Syria
#4. Somalia
#5. Saudi Arabia
#6. Pakistan
#7. Democratic Republic of Congo
#8. Yemen
#9. Nigeria
#10. United States