Karnataka Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy has allegedly threatened to transfer a senior IAS officer Munish Moudgil or even suspend him if he doesn’t obey his orders. If sources are to be believed, Kumaraswamy is upset with Moudgil because he did not grant the transfer of some officers.
When Karnataka CM was opposed to this issue, he said that bureaucrats (officials in the government department) are not above the government and if they don’t implement his orders then they will face some consequences in getting transferred to the inferior department.

“Most of the requests for transfer came from the excise department. I agreed to transfer them back to their previous departments. Twice I’ve got complaints that the transfer order wasn’t implemented. Honesty isn’t enough, senior bureaucrats must also have some humanity.
My advice to them please be more humane. If you’re honest and yet you act negatively then we may have to transfer you to a department which has lesser significance. They’re not above the government. They have to implement the government’s order, it’s their duty. I’ll wait till Monday and take a call,” said Kumaraswamy in a statement.
The senior IAS officer Moudgil is facing the rage of the government. Moudgil is known to be an honest IAS officer. The election commission of India recruited him as the excise commissioner on April 17 to make sure that the department is controlled in an unbiased manner.
It is learnt that Moudgil previously had served as the Commissioner of Survey, Settlement and Land Records in Bengaluru. After when the election dates were announced, the Election Commission (EC) in the meanwhile, transferred some officers to other departments. Some women officers politely asked for a transfer because they were facing some problems.