Solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity. Solar Energy techniques were deployed worldwide since 2006. Though it has come to light more than a decade ago, it didn’t reach out to all parts of the world. Power cuts are the most frustrating thing for people in this world and many even think that ‘solar energy’ could impact the lives of people in the future.
Solar technology is widely implemented in India. We have witnessed more of them in key places. Solar panels are installed in apartments, houses, offices. Three years ago, Bangalore’s Chinnaswamy Cricket Stadium became the world’s first solar-powered cricket avenue. Last year, Indian Railways launched it’s first solar-powered train.
Now, they have implemented the same technique in the Railway Station as well. In a good news for Indians, Guwahati now has India’s first railway station fully operated by solar power. It is cognisance of the fact that roofs of the railway station are so long enough. It’s a brilliant way of utilising power from the sun.
The biggest solar-powered project with an aim of installing solar panels was commissioned last year in April 2017. It is learnt that around 2352 solar modules with a capacity of generating 700 kwp has been fixed over the roof of the Guwahati railway station.
The main of introducing this project is to reduce carbon footprint, increase energy consumption, also to cut down power costs to a great extent. According to a survey, around 6.3 lakh kg Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have been cut-off between April 12 last year to May 10 this year.
According to Indian Railways, the total project cost is estimated to be INR 6.7 crores. The biggest advantage of this project is that it could save Rs 67 lakh worth of electricity. Ever since it’s operation, the solar plant has generated 7,96,669 KWH of power from 12 April 2017 to 10 May 2018.
After Guwahati, many other states are expected to come up with this technique of implementing it in the famous railway stations as well in the hope of saving a lot of electricity.