Women are trying their hand in almost every field. When opportunity knocks the door, they have always shown willingness to take the chances. We have seen them as teachers, doctors, software engineers, advocates but seeing in ‘Ola outfit’ is something very rare these days.
Noor Jehan has found a stable income by driving Ola vehicle. She is now leading a satisfactory life. In contemporary world, when only men are familiar with this profession, women are slowly catching up in this field as well.

Ola is a transportation network company operated in different cities in India. It has reached out to the majority of the people. People who are tech-savvy download ‘Ola’ app from Play store and book the cab in the nearby location for the purpose of reaching the destination. For best taxi-service at lowest fares, Ola says hello.
Noor Jahan speaks on how her life attained a drastic change after she joined Ola as an auto driver. She grew up with male friends and watching them drive inspired her to learn the art of driving.
“Growing up, I had only male friends and watching them drive inspired me to learn. A part of me also wanted to show them that I could do everything they could. Eventually, my husband taught me how to drive,” 34-year-old Noor Jahan was quoted as saying by ‘Yourstory’.
Noor used to work for a private cab company earlier. But she was not really satisfied with the income she was getting. Also, the timings were not flexible as well. Due to this reason, it was difficult for her to spend time with her children.
Noor said, “I had to put up with an uncomfortable culture and discrimination from my male colleagues. I felt that it was a part and parcel of the job but, everything put together, I had had enough and decided to quit. Besides, I wanted to do so much more with my life that a rigid job would not permit.”
She came to know about Ola transportation services from a friend of hers who told her that the company had flexible work hours. After this, she intended to step into this field. She also learnt to drive autos, two-wheelers, cabs, minivans, and even buses.
She decided to offer her services with Ola Auto because of the fact that they are popular in Bengaluru. “Autos are very popular and in demand in Bengaluru and I felt that I would be able to earn well with Ola Auto,” she said.
She also runs her own driving school where she trains 25 students how to drive autos, bikes, and cars. “However, my friends and immediate family and the community have been very supportive. In this respect, I feel like I am contributing to changing the mindset, and hopefully, more women will follow suit. I do not want my children to face the same difficulties that I did. I am therefore trying to set for them an example of a confident and independent woman,” she added.