Humans are doing everything to make the planet look from bad to worse. They have already taken the world in a wrong way barring little positives. Because of them, the planet is experiencing a massive change that can cause some serious effect in the later stages to come. At one end, man is reaping benefits with the technology, natural resources– and at the other end- he is destroying the environment and other life forms which is truly not acceptable at all.
But there are only very few people who get into action to clean not just for pride but the love that they have for the environment. The phrase ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ comes into play. If every individual does the job by putting all the wastes into the dustbins at the right place and at the right time, then a mass clean-up operation wouldn’t have followed its way.

Baby turtles hatched on a Mumbai beach for the first time in 20 years after an epic clean-up operation. Three years ago, Versova beach was dumped with thousands of tons of plastics. In an attempt to change the complexion of the beach, Mumbai Lawyer, Afroz Shah came up with a massive volunteer project in 2015 to clear the beach.
Volunteers of all ages turned up in huge numbers and removed an unwanted 5,000 tons of wastes such as plastic, cans and bottles. The project was so successful that it inspired other people to follow suit. After all sleepless cleaning campaigns that the volunteers have been through, they finally can afford the smiles on their faces.
Seeing this massive turnaround that made the world to look up to, the United Nations declared it as the World’s largest beach clean-up operation. Now, around 80 hatchlings ran with quick steps into the sea after being born at Versova beach following this gigantic clean-up operation, in what was a pleasant sight to watch.
What really matters is it is the first time in 20 years that Olive Ridley turtles have been born on that stretch of beach facing the Arabian sea. Shah described it as a ‘historic moment’ and ‘fantastic news’ for ‘Mumbai’ as he watched the turtle hatchlings emerge from its eggs and run quickly into the waves.
“This is a nature’s gift to us. It is a historic day for the city. No one can believe that Olive Ridley turtles can nest and hatch in Mumbai, and that too a Versova beach. It has still not sunk in,” says Afroz Shah to the Mumbai Mirror.
The ones who are dumb would destroy mother nature in order to gain their needs and wants. The humans might be getting everything that they need but the reality is that they will certainly be punished by the nature itself- if they don’t mind what they blindly doing to the environment. As a citizen of the country, it is our duty to take care of the planet for a bright and better future.
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