When we talk about Indian army, we are bound to get goosebumps. We just get a feeling that only men are tasked with responsibilities to serve the nation. But one shouldn’t forget the fact that even women also dream to accomplish big missions in their lives.
There is nothing in this world that can be a hindrance to women for achieving great things in life. The society’s mindset overlooks women’s achievements, giving much importance and the hype only to men. It is about time we gave equal opportunities to both genders so that our nation can progress.

General Madhuri Kanitkar creates history:
General Madhuri Kanitkar created iconic history by becoming the first woman officer in Indian Army. She has become the Dean of the Armed Force Medical College. This is something that no other woman achieved. She is content with her duty and always feel a great sense of accomplishment for being part of the Indian Army.
Seeing her achievements, one thinks that she might have decided to join the Indian army much earlier in her career. She laughs, “No. I was studying in Fergusson College in 12th standard, and I planned to do medicine. I had friends in NDA and I used to see that it was something different and smart about them.
And I had a roommate who was from an air force background. So, she was keen to join AFMC (Armed Forces Medical College, Pune) and that was the first time I heard about it. So, I came with her (to the college) and saw the distinct difference and the neatness, cleanliness, discipline somehow really impressed me.”
Not many women can be found in army suits. “20 girls passed out and went for an internship. Post this, some left for marriage. Another half of them left after five years of commission and finally for what we call a permanent commission, we were just six to seven of us who remained. Of all of them, today I am the only one who has remained (in the army)!,” she added.
“I was posted in the outskirts of Jodhpur in Rajastan for my first commission. We had a field ambulance and not a hospital as such. The officers stay in a long barrack called bashas with temporary roofs as it was a mobile temporary unit.” She said
There were no women in the army. Seeing her posted there, some officers and soldiers were really happy that at least a woman was posted. They felt that a lady should not have to stay in Barracks. They asked her to stay in the head quarter but she said, “I said if I am posted here, I’m going to stay with them. If tomorrow there’s a war, I’m going to go out with them.”